Help Keep Water in the California Delta
We thank Winston Bumpus and the Recreational Boaters of California (RBOC) for helping us all keep an eye on issues affecting sailing and boating on the Bay and Delta. Winston recently wrote, asking us to share the following information and encourage us all to speak up:
RBOC is requesting that boaters take action by December 16 in opposition to the latest draft Delta Conveyance that would negatively impact the ability of the recreational boating public to navigate in the waterways of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
In summary, the key concerns are:
- Disruption to navigable waters in the Delta for 14 years during construction.
- Does not adequately address climate change and its impacts on decreased snowmelt.
- Unquantified Groundwater Impacts (for Example Table 8.0) non-meaningful LTS – Less Than Significant.
- Does not create any new sources of water.
- Will wreak havoc on the aquatic species, wildlife, inhabitants, recreational users and supporting industries.
For more information, a copy of the letter, a link to the EIR, and a way to contact your legislative representatives, boaters can go to
We often sail to leave our troubles behind, but without our attention trouble may follow.
Growth and overpopulation are the real problems that no one is willing wo address.
Protect the Delta. Protect the ecosystem. Do not sacrifice them to problems that cannot be solved.
If they need more water then cover the 400 miles of aqueduct with solar to reduce evaporation and produce electricity as a byproduct
Great article that shows how little concern the California legislators care about boaters.
We provide lots of money to their coffers and provide related income to people that serve the boating community. We all need to call on them and make them see our needs as boaters and anglers.
I would like to express my opposition to the latest draft Delta Conveyance that would negatively impact the ability of the recreational boating public to navigate in the waterways of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.
More importantly are the negative impacts of reduced water flow to all the animal species dependant on the water remaining in the delta.
I would like to suggest that all boaters, get behind a push for California to start major
desalinization projects along the coastline now. If you do not push for desalinization and the state keeps doing what it is for water now, the delta will become another Mono Lake, Lake Mead or Lake Powell. Average rainfalls and snow falls can no longer support the water needs of the population of California and its agriculture businesses. The state has been taking water away from agriculture businesses for years. Do you think they care about the needs of recreational boaters and their use of the delta? It is time for
a push for a new way to get water for the state, and the new way is already being used in India, most countries that boarder the Mediterranean, Pakistan and Australia. The way California must go is DESALINIZATION!!! That is if you really want to save the delta for future generations, boaters and animal species dependent on the delta. With the predicted raising of sea levels, desalinization is the way to go.
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