Giving Thanks for Sailing and #opting To Go Outside
Is it that time of year already? The time when we spend a full day doing nothing but relaxing, and hanging out with family and friends? OK, we know someone has to cook the turkey and prepare the stuffing and the gravy and all the trimmings, and of course dessert. But isn’t that why we invite people over? So everyone can pitch in? That’s our plan, because the less we have to do, the more we can choose to do. And we choose to go sailing. Surprised?
We’ve already checked the weather report — it’s a bit like Santa checking the Christmas list: We know there’ll be good and bad, depending on your preferences, but we’re going to share the gifts anyway. And in this case the gift is sailing. Who are you going to share it with?
Some people (like this writer) are getting a few last-minute boat jobs done to be able to take advantage of the long weekend, which includes getting the boat’s bottom cleaned today! Hooray! Thanks for the speedy, same-day clean, Dave’s Diving Service. It’s only been … Maybe we’ll just leave that there.
We do recognize that not everyone is thinking only about the four uninterrupted days of sailing. We’ve been bombarded with Black Friday ads for the past month at least. But we just want to mention that if you do feel compelled to go shopping, think about the small businesses that could really benefit from your support. #smallbusinesssaturday — it’s a real thing, and a good way to assuage some of that guilt one may feel about being in a store, rather than on the water.
In the end, it’s all up to you, and us. We will each choose to spend our Thanksgiving weekend in various ways. Whatever you choose, we wish you a safe, happy time with family, friends, pets, yourself, the sun, sky, wind and stars.