Crew List Party This Wednesday

©2017Latitude 38 Media, LLC
It’s the latest in social networking — not! Actually, Latitude 38 has been inviting skippers and prospective crew to Crew List Parties since 1980. During that time thousands of connections have been made. The Crew Lists themselves were printed in the magazine from 1980 through 2007; in 2008 we put them online and dropped the listing fee. Nothing beats meeting prospects in person, however, and the Crew Parties themselves have changed very little with the advances in technology.

©Latitude 38 Media, LLC
Our big Spring Crew List Party, for racers, cruisers and daysailors, is coming up this week on Wednesday, March 8. As they have for many years, the friendly folks at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Yacht Club will host from 6 to 9 p.m. We’ll collect your cash at the door: $5 for people 25 and under (bring ID) and $7 for everyone else. The price of admission includes a buffet of munchies, color-coded and information-rich name tags, and door-prize drawings.

©Latitude 38 Media, LLC

©2017Latitude 38 Media, LLC
GGYC will be selling drinks at the bar. Sal Sanchez from Sal’s Inflatable Services will inflate an emergency liferaft right in the middle of the party, always a highlight of the evening. Don Ahrens and Rich Pipkin from the Yacht Racing Association will be on hand to answer questions about racing. Tony Gilbert from Club Nautique will share information about learning to sail and chartering. In case you’re not one of the many lucky prize winners, we’ll be selling Latitude 38 logowear there too.

©2017Latitude 38 Media, LLC
For more about the Crew List Party, see Sightings on pages 64-66 of the March Latitude, and Max Ebb on pages 100-102. We hope to see you Wednesday night!