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Central Pacific Winlink Station Needs Help

Untold numbers of cruisers use the Winlink system for everything from emails to weatherfaxes. The system relies on a smattering of individual ham stations strategically located to help relay signals. The Central Pacific station, located in the Hawaii YC’s ‘TransPac Shack’ in the Ala Wai, is vital to communications between the South Pacific and the West Coast.

Ron DuBois would like to continue supporting the station, as he’s done for the last nine years, but is finding it more difficult these days. "It costs $800 a year out of my pocket just to keep the lights on," Ron told us. "Now the station needs some tweaking and upgrades — like a new antenna — so it’s getting financially difficult. I may have to shut it down."

The station is an extremely valuable resource for cruisers headed to the South Pacific, and Ron — also known as ‘The Voice of the Pacific’ — hates the thought of shutting it down. "I love doing it," he said. "My ultimate dream is to get some help — physical or financial — to build it up to where it should be."

If you want to help keep the Central Pacific station alive and well, email Ron or send whatever you can to Ron DuBois, c/o Hawaii YC, 1739 C Ala Moana Blvd., Honolulu, HI 96815.


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