November Caption Contest(!)
Here we go! It’s time for November’s Caption Contest!

© 2021 SailorBert
Remember to go to Loose Lips in Latitude 38‘s November issue to see October’s Caption Contest(!) winners.
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Theft Proof
(Your caption here.)
Inflatable FOR SALE!
No offer refused! Comes with seat, oars, & OB!
Finally! Now the non-skid is perfect.
Another couple of layers, and I think she’ll make a good mooring.
Washing his dinghy with acid was probably not the best idea Floyd ever had…
Now where did I put that Zodiac warranty?
On the plus side, the motor looks new!
Raised from the deep, Titanic dinghy.
Work in progress!
The owner of this dinghy was known… wait for it… to get plastered!
Looks like the new anti-fouling paint is just as effective above the waterline.
Larry’s camouflage technique was the envy of the West Coast. No thieves ever messed with Larry’s dinghy.
You need only finish the fiberglass work that I started . . .
Do you think rubbing compound will help get this clean?
For sale
Lightly used dinghy
Um, I think it’s past its expiration date…
We named her ‘My Celium’
Warning! To avoid sinking this boat, do not clean, chip, or scrape.
Hey everybody, the magic mushroom delivery boat is in!
Crustacean demonstration.
She’s a bonny boat and has worked just fine for near-on four score year. Why would I get rid of something that works fine?
Hey! Wait! Where did you find my boat?
Dinghy for Sale, contact K Costner, c/o WaterWorld.
Proudly: “I got a new outboard for her, Bob”
EVERY boat is potentially your magic carpet – just waiting to transport you to your special place…