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Here’s something fun to ponder for this month’s Caption Contest(!).
Make sure you check the May issue of Latitude 38 for the results of April’s Caption Contest(!).
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“And if I had a boat
I’d go out on the ocean
And if I had a pony
I’d ride him on my boat …”
Lyle Lovett
© 1987 Curb Records
Jean, that is the only response. Great connection. And a great performer.
Hey, that’s what I was going to say! I sure hope that’s a plastic horse, cuz that is not a safe perch for a real horse. I feel confident that is not a real horse on that boat (Soling?) because if there were a 1000 pounds on the foredeck with nothing aft, that boat would not be sitting on her lines.
I’m thinking Etchells
I was going to say “Lyle Lovett was here,” but you basically beat me to it! 🙂
Roger Briggs- that’s why there are 3 helium balloons at the bow. To offset the horse’s weight!
“… just look for the sailboat with the red balloons on it”
I laughed out loud at that one, nice.
1 Horsepower
That’s good Dale. How about, “Sailboat has a one horsepower kicker.”
Proper installation of Horse Tell-Tails.
Lovett or leave it!
Well, the captain said he wanted a real stud to handle chores at the bow for the next race!
You said it was OK to horse around.
Tom Brady and Jeff Bezos are both buying new yachts. Apparently Lyle Lovett is too.
Trying to “Whinny” up some wind.
Sailing in the horse latitudes
Am I a sea horse now?
My foredeck is a horses ass (neeeeeheeee)
With climate change, the horse latitudes have moved much farther north….
Meet the S/V Pasture.
Which is more expensive to own and maintain…
Finally, a boat I can single hoof !
Nice cutting-horse rig.
Hey, who’s that underneath my boat???
When mare’s tails appear signaling an approaching storm, thunder could follow, also depending upon what you fed the horse…
Honey, looks like we’ve sailed into the horse latitudes!
Mr. Ed returned to the harbor, forlorn, after disposing of Wilbur’s ashes.
Finally, a rocking horse for sailors.
Herd immunity for sea horses
“I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky; And all I ask is an Etchell and a horse to steer her by.”
Well you can lead a horse to water and take it sailing but you cant make it drink the bay water
Boat & Pony Show. The dog fell in the Bay.
sailing in the horse latitudes.
You dumb ass, I said we are sailing tomorrow, not today.
Soul mates have no boundaries
…Just horsing around
Gosh, I wonder why no one is coming to my party…..
When I git the sails up, I’m headed for the Horse Latitudes!
Is that sailboat a Stone Horse?
Adult light-air bow-riding hobby-horse
Our new fore decker is sure footed but I hate having his weight on the bow.
Plus I can’t see around him.
All I had was a couple of bags of mash last night. How did I get here?
This is what happens when a mare invites you to her place and then says: “You like water, don’t you?”
Dad said, “stop horsing around on the boat”
Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” – Mr. Ed
Unfurl Pegasus’ wings!
Water wings don’t unfurl.
Lyle was advised to tie his pony stern to. What happened next when he popped his head out the companionway wasn’t pretty.
“Two great investment ideas combined!” is what I thought..
Lyle Lovett playIng a limited engagement on the bay …. steps below to tune.
Honey, that’s NOT what I meant when I said I needed a boom bridle!
How do we get the horse off the boat?
Same way we got him on!
Chop off the bow and call her Horsecow!
It must have been one hell of party!
The transition from sail to auxiliary engine did not go as planned….
Dreaming of being a seahorse…
Where is everyone? Noah said it would be a big party.