It’s amazing how fast the Baja Ha-Ha comes and goes every year. One of the largest cruisers’ rallies in the world is heading toward its inevitable and famously boisterous conclusion at the pointy end of Baja California.
There is apparently a bit of weather headed at Mexico, but the Grand Poobah posted the following on his Facebook page about an hour ago:
“Ha-Ha Boats are not in undue danger from the approaching depression — we’ve been monitoring this for days, and when it hits, if it does, all boats will be secure in either Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Los Cabos, La Paz, or Mag Bay. Nothing is expected before late Saturday. All boats should have up-to-the minute weather info from eebmike, windy, and other sources.”
Tucked into the bitter end of the San Rafael Canal is what we can only call an unexpected vessel — a pirate-y looking tall ship that’s a tad out of place against the back alley of the busy Montecito Plaza.