Baby Onboard
On Wednesday, we challenged readers to supply a caption or explanation for this bizarre photo submitted by Bruce Adornato. We received dozens of hilarious captions, many of them of a scatalogical nature (which never fails to crack up this crew), but Robertta Edwards won a Latitude 38 hat with this this little bon mot: “Hmm, wonder what he used for bait.”
So what’s the real story with the giant baby? After storing a 20-ft plastic baby on his old Navy launch just off Pelican Harbor for a few months, it appears that Scott Diamond, 51, decided July 3 was the day he was setting the baby free. Witnesses watched Diamond tow the big baby south of Horizons then tie its head to a mooring. According to the Marinscope, a witness said he then “tore off one of the baby’s arms and left in a hurry.
The Marin County Sheriff’s boat towed the baby to the Corp of Engineers dock, then cited Diamond with obstructing a navigable waterway. Diamond declined to explain his motives.
Interestingly, the giant baby was created by artist David Hardy in the ‘90s while he was working in the film industry. The baby in question, along with others, were left in various locations, including San Francisco. He said he had no idea how the baby had made its way to Sausalito.