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The Rain We've Been Praying For?
The storms continue to ravage the state and the coast, causing severe damage, loss and close calls for many.
World Famous L38
Welcome to 2023's first Caption Contest(!). This felt like an appropriate photo for the current weather state.
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Our high-speed fixed wireless base stations and private Bay Area fiber ring offer the reliability, redundancy, and resiliency needed to keep you online, no matter where you call home!
Sailing for Your Ears
Milly is the port captain of the Inverness Yacht Club and has been sailing International 110s since childhood.
Sailing Superstar
Paul Cayard is part of elite company at the SFO Terminal One display of Bay Area sports heroes.
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Ocean Crossing MOD 70s
West Coast racer Frank Slootman, who won the 2017 Transpac with his Pac 52 'Invisible Hand,' set off on a new adventure this past weekend, racing his MOD70 'Snowflake' in the 3,000-mile RORC Transatlantic Race.
More Weather News
Arnstein Mustad was sitting high on the Headlands watching the might of the ocean during last week's weather when he witnessed a boat heading out the Gate.
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If you can't go sailing right now, get your boat serviced or repaired instead.
Bill Erkelens COO for Circumnavigation
The Ocean Race starts next Sunday, January 15, with Bay Area sailor Bill Erkelens on the team as chief operating officer.
From the Magazine
The northward Baja Bash has a notorious reputation for testing boats and crew morale, especially during the typical May/June time frame, when insurers coax cruisers clear of potential hurricanes.
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Baja’s first luxury marina and village. Forty-five minutes from the Los Cabos airport, Costa Palmas is a 1500-acre master-planned resort community on Baja’s East Cape.
A Rough Weather Winter
The stormy weekends continue. If you got through the last one, make sure you're ready for the next one.
Where Is He Now?
The '70s may be a bit of a blur, but can you dig into your memories and help find a woman's French sailing partner?
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The Moorings has a destination to suite every traveler's particular interests.
Looking ahead to the 2023 racing season, we came across a retrospective on the first 25 years of the Rolex Big Boat Series.
The Question Is…
The first weekend of the month is the busiest for midwinters on San Francisco Bay, but some clubs are canceling tomorrow's races.
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
Here We Go Again
The entire San Francisco Bay Area and central coast are on alert for damaging gusts, flooding and landslides as a result of another severe weather system tonight.
The Sounds of Sailing
Paul is a lifelong competitive dinghy sailor, windsurfer, supporter of junior sailing, and former commodore of the St. Francis Yacht Club.
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Powering the perfect experience with Volvo Penta: Engines, Parts, Service.
Locals Take the Prizes
The West Coast figured prominently in the Cruising Club of America's prestigious 2022 awards list.
Advocating for the Waterfront
How tall will the bridge be? How will it affect boats sailing on the Estuary? How often does the City expect the drawbridge section to be opened on a typical high-water-traffic day (aka the weekend)?
Sailing In Pictures
It was a great year for sailing, and we want to thank everyone who contributed photos to our 2022 'Sailagram' feed each month.
We Couldn't Wait
We couldn't wait two more days! The first 'Latitude 38' for 2023 is out today, along with the 2023 Northern California Sailing Calendar.
Sailing into 2023
The Corinthian Yacht Club in Tiburon invites singlehanders and doublehanders to shake off 2022 with a Resolution Regatta on Sunday, January 1.
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Let our experienced team introduce you to the 2021 Dufour 390 at our docks in Alameda.
A Boxing Day Tradition
The 77th edition of the Rolex Sydney Hobart yacht race was a thriller from start to finish.
Good Reads
As this is our last 'Good Jibes' for the year, and it is Christmas week, we decided to tell you a Christmas tale as it appeared in the pages of 'Latitude 38' in December 1977.
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Powering the perfect experience with Volvo Penta: Engines, Parts, Service.
Summer is Coming
Why do some people turn right when they head out the Gate instead of succumbing to the call of margaritas and Mexico?
Why Do We Say That?
Just after Thanksgiving, we shared the origins of some Salty Phrases — sayings that have been repeated for generations. Here is Part 2.
Holiday Preparations
A beautiful weekend is ahead, with winter weather to follow. Be prepared.
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Powering the perfect experience with Volvo Penta: Engines, Parts, Service.
How deep does a penguin dive?
Do you know how deep a human being has dived (and when)? What's the largest type of crab? Check out this cool fact finder: "The Deep Sea."
Part 2 of 'My Worst Day Sailing'
On Monday we shared Richard Spindler's story of what he thought could have been his worst day of sailing in 50 years. The tale continues…
A Good Tip!
As November became December, Max Ebb decided to take up Lee Helm's suggestion and found himself shopping for books. But not the ones you might expect…
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Professional yacht care with personal service.
Long, short, deep and high
In San Francisco, the precise time of the winter solstice today is 1:48 p.m. And in case you missed it, sunrise was at 0721. Sunset will be at 1653.
Sailors' Stories
At 85, Jack van Ommen has spent more than 20 years living on his boat, and sailing the world alone. In this episode you will hear the story of Jack's third shipwreck.
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Learn more about what factors to consider in making a yacht purchase decision that’s right for you.
Latitude 38's Online Bookstore
We've always liked to say that 'Latitude' is written for readers, or for those who appreciate holding a hard copy of some sailing literature in their hands.
Circumnavigation in Class 40 Sailboats
Sailing in the Globe 40 race, the doublehanded Class 40s have finished a marathon leg of ocean racing and arrived in Ushuaia, Argentina.
Jumping Overboard for a Dip
How often do you think about the creatures that may be lurking beneath your boat while you're out at sea, or in the Bay, or even docked at the marina?
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The perfect gift for sailors, and one that will last all year!
Ancient Mariners Sailing Society
The Ancient Mariners Sailing Society's wild and wacky Half Pint-o-Rum Race boasts of many shenanigans not normally seen in your typical yacht race.
Tucked in the Pages
First, he found a new-to-him sailboat in the pages of 'Latitude 38' and, later, John Daughters opened another issue of 'Latitude 38' to find a winning, blue-colored "Golden Ticket."
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Let our experienced team introduce you to the 2021 Dufour 390 at our docks in Alameda.
Challenges Offshore
James Mercer experienced his rite of passage during the Spinnaker Cup, in conditions that were less than favorable.
The Perils of Sailing
While contesting a friendly charity race, Richard Spindler experienced what he thought could very well have been his worst-ever day of sailing.
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