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Sailing in Winning Company
John Clauser from Walnut Creek, known locally as an avid sailor aboard his 1D48 'Bodacious+,' has won a Nobel Prize for his work and experiments as a physicist.
Sailors' Stories
Archie owns the 60-foot 'Titania' — showcased at wooden boat shows — and has been sailing to Catalina for years.
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Find out the most suitable propeller size for your boat and request a free personalized quote.
It's time to Follow the Sun
San Francisco Bay is a waypoint for many boats on their way south as they head off to parts unknown.
The Bay's Haunted Waters
Pat Broderick is presenting his talk “Ghost Ships of San Francisco Bay” on Zoom, tonight, at the Mill Valley Historical Society, as part of Mill Valley Library's Virtual Events.
Weather Alerts
On Sunday, much of the state of Jalisco was in a state of alert, with a hurricane warning effective from San Blas to Mazatlán.
Getting Everyone On Board
Sailors and sailing are both adaptable. California Inclusive Sailing is adapting boats in Newport Beach to make it possible for people of all abilities to connect to sailing.
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Professional yacht care, with personal service.
Sailing In Pictures
Check out these great photos of our community last month, on and off the water.
Video of the Day
Sailing on San Francisco Bay doesn't always have to be heavy weather pounding into steep chop, white knuckles gripping the helm…
Good Reading for Everyone
Friends always appreciate an opportunity to go sailing with you. They'll also appreciate the gift of sailing even when you're not around.
Extreme Impact in Florida
The devastation from Hurricane Ian is still underway as it passes over Charleston, South Carolina. We hope to hear stories of miraculous luck and survival, but so far it looks as if boats and boating facilities took an enormous hit.
Women Teaching Women
What happens to a yacht club when their landlord evicts them from their rented clubhouse and their members watch their former home get demolished?
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Quality Yachts With Premium Service From Swiftsure Yachts
A Month's Worth of Great Reads
Along with all the best in sailing stories, this month we're giving readers the chance to win one of five Spracht BoneHead Sport headsets to celebrate the one-year anniversary of 'Good Jibes!'
Digging in For Stormy Weather
What's your anchor setup to give you a good night's sleep? There are a lot of approaches to handle a wide variety of circumstances.
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The redevelopment of Treasure Island has required us to shrink the size of our site. Boats, trailers, dollies and other equipment have to go!
Fall Classic Regattas and More
Happening This Week; Next Week; Mid-Month Regattas; the Fourth but Not Final Weekend; Don't Get Spooked!
Sailors' Stories
Randall Reeeves is the first person to complete the 40,000-nautical-mile Figure 8 Voyage singlehanded. Hear the story of how he managed such a voyage, and more.
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Get your Isotherm Marine Refrigerators and Cooling Systems from Defender — Marine Outfitters of Choice Since 1938.
The United States spends more than 10% of its federal budget, and nearly half of its discretionary spending, on the military, and one of the apparent benefits of this staggering investment is the humanitarian component.
Family Fun On and Off the Water
Vallejo and Redwood City are welcoming fall with a celebration of their waterfront communities, both on and off the water.
Classic Yacht Regatta
Pam Rorke Levy and Matt Brooks looked forward to ending the summer season at IYRS's Newport Classic Yacht Regatta.
Get In on the Action
There are a lot of racing-miles behind all the great stories told by the racers featured in the past year of Good Jibes. We look forward to more racing and racing guests in 2023.
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Considering a yacht purchase? Curious about the advantages of a yacht charter ownership program? Learn more about what factors to consider in making a yacht purchase decision that’s right for you.
Wild Life and Human Life Collide
Ah, the majestic sea lion, nature's lethargic, barking pile of blubber, who — like a pack of sun-starved, snowbird tourists — can turn docks into lounge chairs and laze in the sun for hours. Sure, this might be an unflattering description of one of God's creatures (both sea lions and tourists), but there's no doubt that pinnipeds and sailors' habitats have a tendency to overlap. How close is too close?
Oceans Away from Home
Dale Land and his wife Michelle appear to have had a great summer sailing in Riccione, Italy.
Pick It Up
Twenty-six volunteers, including island residents and crew from the Cal Sailing Team, collected 40 bags of trash along Clipper Cove's waterfront.
In May, 'Margaritaville at Sea Paradise' set sail from Palm Beach to Grand Bahama, marking the launch of Jimmy Buffett's Margarita at Sea cruise line. "To me, the only thing better than being on a beach by the ocean, is to be on the ocean."
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Now You See It Now You Don't
Navigation can be challenging enough without malevolent hackers disrupting the systems we rely on. AIS positions are now being faked by ships and fishing fleets trying to cover their tracks.
Stories from the Magazine
Dustin Reynolds fulfilled a life-long dream when he sailed to the Galápagos Islands and spent his days diving and exploring the islands.
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Professional yacht care, with personal service.
Another Record Tumbles
Cyril Derreumaux has become the first person to cross the Pacific from California to Hawaii, solo and unsupported, aboard a kayak.
Racing into the Future
US Sailing Team is proud to announce the opening of applications for its new Mixed 470 Program ahead of the 2024 Paris Olympics.
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Get your Weems & Plath Lights from Defender — Marine Outfitters of Choice Since 1938.
The Sounds of Sailing
Paul has been on San Francisco Bay since 1983 and captains the schooner 'Freda B.'
Cruising San Francisco Bay
What's new for visiting yachters and Bay Area cruisers? A disrupted world means a lot has changed, and much of it for the better.
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Hourly rate from $50. Weekend and weekday work available.
Racing in the Rain
The big question marks going into Sunday, the fourth and final day at Rolex Big Boat Series, had to do with the weather.
Whatever the Weather
The only constant is change, and this weekend was a perfect example. It started as another perfect , sunny September weekend, shifted to a stormy Sunday, and finished under a clearing rainbow.
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Make sure you know what you're getting.
New Digs for Local Crew
USCG Station Vallejo’s new $14 million search and rescue facility was officially opened on Friday with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
New Hat In the Mail
It's always a good day when you pick up your new issue of 'Latitude 38.'
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Hourly rate from $50. Weekend and weekday work available.
A Rollicking Good Time on S.F. Bay
"Today was pretty high winds: 25-27 knots," said John Egleston when we talked with him at the St. Francis Yacht Club docks.
A Discussion About Karl
The climate is changing worldwide. The New York 'Times' has zeroed in on how it's changing fog patterns (or not) on San Francisco Bay.
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Place in our skippered charter fleet and your boat earns while you are not using it. Download the equipment list.
Chart Plotters
UKHO joins NOAA in ceasing production of paper nautical navigation charts.
From the Magazine
Standing naked and wet in the boater’s restroom, with all of his clothes and his dock keys locked in the shower room, Tim had to find his way through the gate and back to his boat.
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Discover San Francisco Bay and all that inspires those of us who live or visit here.
Grand Prix Yacht Racing in San Francisco
This evening, sailors will gather at St. Francis Yacht Club on the San Francisco Marina.
Sailors' Stories
Ben grew up sailing on Chesapeake Bay, and in his 20s he refurbished the 1969 Allied Luders 33 'Baggywrinkle', which he cruised from the Eastern Seaboard to South America and back.
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Walder boom brake is an essential safety device that ensures the indispensable protection of your crew and equipment.
Local Waterfront Fun
Sausalito Community Boating Center hosted its Open Day and first-ever Oyster Festival in tandem with the Sausalito Cruising Club's Kids Day.
In Front of the Lens
The Poobah is putting together the 'Meet the Fleet' book, which will include bios of all the boats entered in the Baja Ha-Ha, and as many photos as possible.
Sold Before Distribution
The rapid response to this 'Classifieds' ad surprised even us. You never know what might happen until you give it a try.
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Extraordinary interior comfort & bluewater strength. Low engine hours, with many recent upgrades. Schedule a viewing.
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