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Schedule Adjustments
Organizers for the Pacific Cup from San Francisco to Oahu have canceled the 2020 race and scheduled the next one to start the week of July 4, 2022.
The word 'yacht' has always bothered me. It’s simply too pretentious for my taste. When I go sailing, I don’t go to the yacht, I go to the boat, and there is a distinct difference.
Latitude in New Zealand
Despite the slow, grinding boredom, fear and uncertainty, the world is still beautiful. We offer you some eye candy for your day.
Harbor's quiet, crabbers are pulling and storing pots. Most are pulled. Everyone is safe distancing. The main bathrooms are closed.
Schedule Updates
The latest cancellation to drop into our inbox is the Master Mariners Regatta. "With so many competitive boats in the fleet, it is with heavy hearts the Board has decided to cancel the Regatta."
The last hundred days leading up to the Pacific Cup are usually a hive of activity as competitors are busy preparing their boats, getting inspected, and training.
Here's a tough question from a reader: "Could Latitude 38 help clarify the guidelines for the stay-at-home order? The City of Alameda and their police department have no guidelines to follow."
As we shelter in place and catch up on our reading, studying, streaming and viewing, it occurs to us that it is like we are having a second winter season.
Fito Espinosa, harbormaster at Marina Coral in Ensenada, sent us this update from Neil Shroyer of Marina de La Paz, president of the Mexico Marina Association, on the current situation in Mexican marinas: “Yesterday, Sunday the 29th, Mexico’s Maritime authority issued Directive #13 to all Port Captains in Mexico, informing them that they may not authorize the clearance or departure of passenger vessels for hire (Mexican- and foreign-flagged) that operate with Nautical Tourism permits (charter, tours, diving, sport fishing, whale watching, sunset cruises, etc.).
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. Serving the entire Bay Area for more than 25 years. “Boat looks great. Please pass my thanks to those who did the work."
Richmond Yacht Club reports that a Boston Whaler and its trailer were taken by vehicle from the dry boat storage yard over the weekend, sometime between Friday evening and Sunday evening.
Normally in this slot we would post a look ahead to next month's racing calendar highlights. Instead, we'll continue with the updates we've been filing since that fateful Friday the 13th.
It is a mnemonic that, once known, is impossible to forget. It is the simple expression of an important navigational concept: Red, right, returning.
Schedule Updates
As far as the Coast Guard is concerned, as long as there are active shelter-in-home orders in place, marine event permits are nullified.
Latitude 38 Delivered to Your Home
Now offering a Shelter-in-Place special. Three months is just a ‘sip’ of Latitude 38. You can read at home while you sip on whatever you like.
Unlike the traffic jams on the highways leading to beaches over the weekend, San Francisco Bay was remarkably uncrowded. Social distancing? No problem out here!
"The IOC President and the Prime Minister of Japan have concluded that the Games of the XXXII Olympiad in Tokyo must be rescheduled to a date beyond 2020 but not later than summer 2021."
Wilbur Spaul achieved a significant milestone in his bid to sail the smallest boat to Hawaii: In February, he chainsawed the 8-ft Chubby Girl into pieces and tossed them into a dumpster.
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Washing, waxing, varnishing. Serving the entire Bay Area for more than 25 years. “Boat looks great. Please pass my thanks to those who did the work."