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As the fleet motorsailed toward the starting line last Monday, fleet members got extra credit for wearing their costumes — the more elaborate the better.
Normally Latitude 38 is all about sailing, but since the late Steve Jobs was so local, and was certainly the greatest entreprenuer of the Baby Boomer generation, we present the first views of the 250-ft boat he was having built in The Netherlands.
Richmond YC’s Great Pumpkin Regatta was held last weekend, stealing the thunder, and most of the boats, from other sailing events on San Francisco Bay.
As we post this report (noon on Wednesday) via SailMail from the Baja Ha-Ha mothership Profligate, we’re about 60 miles from crossing the finish line of Leg One, just outside Bahia Tortugas (Turtle Bay), with the fleet spread out far and wide around us.
Most boats lose a little speed as they age. It might be older sails, but often times it’s the amount of stuff that collects onboard.
“Mexico or Bust!” Watch out, Baja, here come the Ha-Ha’ers! latitude/John A.
©2012 Latitude 38 Media, LLC The Baja Ha-Ha 19 fleet awoke to clear blue skies this morning, ideal for the fleet’s southbound departure to the waters of Baja California.
The Bounty sank 90 miles off Cape Hatteras this morning. Two crew, including the captain, are reported missing, while 14 other crewmembers were rescued by the Coast Guard.
If the big chain stores can do it, so can little Latitude 38 – market Christmas shopping before Halloween, that is.
Jeanne Socrates left Victoria, BC, Monday morning aboard Nereida bound for…Victoria, BC. © Jak Mang You just can’t keep Jeanne Socrates down.
"On the morning of October 17, I picked up a hitchhiker in Why, Arizona, who was on his way to Tucson," reports Greg Joder.
And like ol’ Bob Dylan sang back in the early ’60s, "and accept it soon that [if you stay in California] you’ll be drenched to the bone."
Webb Chiles, the ultimate Zen sailor. latitude/Richard
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC A man in his early 70s losing his vision in one eye but planning to do a circumnavigation on a Moore 24 ultralight?
Three years have passed since then-16-year-old Jessica Watson’s record-breaking nonstop solo circumnavigation, and casting has begun for a film based on her journey.
It’s been cloudy and rainy in San Diego for the last couple of days, and with the 149-boat Ha-Ha fleet slated to head south of the border one week from today, it looks like another couple of overcast days are ahead.
Neil Shroyer of Marina de La Paz reports that "we", by which we presume he means the Mexican Marina Owners’ Association, had a meeting with Immigration officials in Mexico City with regard to implementing the new immigration rules.
Although the focus of America’s Cup enthusiasts has now shifted to the big show next summer — the Louis Vuitton Challenger Series begins in July — its worth taking stock of the impact that the recent America’s Cup World Series has had on the Bay Area.
Owww! That wasn’t supposed to happen. But we’re not too surprised that it did.
Thankfully no crewmembers were injured in yesterday’s capsize of Oracle Team USA 17.
For many years it was Josh Slocum’s, then Dennis ‘Sexual Chocolate’ Rodman took over — and built a bedroom upstairs — and now it’s the Div Bar.
Former schooner Mirene celebrated her centennial on Friday with a ‘family’ birthday party.
We haven’t given this a whole lot of thought, but it seems to us that the leading causes of misery in this world might be corruption and a lack of shame. 
While lying in our bunk this morning, using our iPad to check Hurricane Paul‘s path toward Baja, we were reminded how dramatically cruising has changed in the last 30 years.