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Farallones researcher Sophie Webb captured this eerie image of the stricken sloop while rescue operations were in progress.
More than 100 boats gathered in Belvedere Cove Saturday evening to honor five lost sailors.
While Saturday’s weather conditions were as close to perfection as one could have hoped — as evidenced by day-long traffic jams as city-dwellers tried to make their escape to the beach — Sunday was a little brisker, with more typical summer-like winds.
Thanks to our recent Crew Party, Sylvia and Barry now have a deep pool of race crew to pull strings aboard Iolani.
As a way of honoring Marc Kasanin, Alexis Busch, Jordan Fromm, Elmer Morrissey, and Alan Cahill — the five crew of Low Speed Chase who perished in last weekend’s Full Crew Farallones Race — friends and fellow San Francisco YC members are organizing a memorial flotilla tomorrow evening (Saturday, April 19).
As if the cruise ship industry hasn’t taken enough of a public relations beating recently following the Costa Concordia tragedy off Italy and Carnival Splendor losing all power with 4,500 passengers off Mexico, there are now allegations that the crew and/or captain of Carnival’s Star Princess ignored three bird-watcher passengers who alerted them to the fact that three fishermen were desperately signalling for help after their boat broke down off the coast of Panama on March 10.
The yellow X marks the spot where the Sydney 38 Low Speed Chase came ashore Saturday afternoon.
At 10:48 a.m. EDT this morning, Annapolis’s Matt Rutherford crossed his outbound track, closing the loop on his record-setting nonstop solo circumnavigation of North and South America.
We’ve been ocean sailing at night a bit lately, which has reminded us of one of our big grips — what’s the deal with cruise ships and navigation lights?
Boats rounding after Low Speed Chase watched helplessly as heavy shore break pummeled the grounded hull.
The West Coast sailing community was dealt another blow on Saturday when Don Anderson was discovered dead aboard his Valiant 47 Summer Passage in Oxnard.
The Singlehanded TransPac prep seminar series continues on Wednesday at Oakland YC with a Medical & Provisioning seminar.
No one can argue that Ronnie Simpson isn’t a passionate man. At 27, the retired Marine has seen and done more in his life than the next 10 sailors combined.
Aboard a Coast Guard helicopter, an overhead camera captures the airlift of one of three sailors rescued from the grounding of Low Speed Chase yesterday afternoon.
The OYRA Crewed Farallones Race ended in tragedy today when James Bradford’s Sydney 38 Low Speed Chase somehow ended up on the rocks at the Southeast Farallon.
The skies are clearing in Oakland, so make Strictly Sail Pacific a stop on your weekend itinerary.
An action-packed weekend is in store for racers on San Francisco Bay, Folsom Lake, and Lake Tahoe.
Never let it be said that this year’s edition of the Volvo Ocean Race has been dull.
No, they’re not supernatural sailors, it’s just that their charts are a wee bit off.
Spinnakers can be put to great use on the Delta Doo Dah.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Last Monday, registration for the Delta Doo Dah Fab 4 opened when ‘Lectronic Latitude was posted.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Last Monday, registration for the Delta Doo Dah Fab 4 opened when ‘Lectronic Latitude was posted.
She’s indeed a paradox, meaning she defies reason, for she’s a cruising boat built on a chassis, as it were, of an ORMA 60 racing trimaran, one of the fastest, wildest and most fragile racing classes ever.
Ka’iulani’s majestic presence won’t be felt on the Bay until next year.
© 2012 Jim Rimmer
It was clear, sunny and calm this Saturday when the Sausalito-based 86-ft gaff schooner Ka’iulani cast off her dock lines and headed for Tahiti.
Sailors from all over the Bay Area and beyond are clearing their calendars this week in order to make the most of the annual Strictly Sail Pacific boat show (April 12-15) at Oakland’s Jack London Square.
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