Merry Christmas From All the Crew at Latitude 38
Wherever you are, and whatever you sail (and even if you don’t sail), we wish you all safe, fun, warm, and happy holidays, and a very Merry Christmas!
We’ve had a great deal of fun this past year, collecting and sharing sailing and sailors’ stories from near and far, and we thank you all for your support and your involvement. If you’re one of the many who have shared your story with us and our readers, thank you! Your stories are the wind in our sails, the rudder that steers our course … etc., etc. — let’s not get too corny or gushy here.
Back to Christmas …
Our crew is taking a well-earned rest over the next week and a half, but please be assured, the January Latitude 38 issue will be published. Delivery day is Thursday, December 30. So hop, or sail, on down to your favorite distributor and get a head start on 2022 by picking up your copy. (Sorry, we won’t be sharing the year’s winning lottery numbers.)
Next Monday, December 27, we’ll share some of our favorite ‘Lectronic Latitude stories from 2021. Then on Wednesday, December 29, we’ll bring you previews from the January issue. We’ll be back to our three-times-weekly schedule beginning January 3, 2022.
While we’re talking, this is a good time to remind you that we love hearing from you, our readers. So while you’re out cruising, racing, anchoring or just messing around on boats over the holidays, take a few pics and drop us a line to let us know what you’ve been up to: [email protected].
By the way, as far as we know, the big, jolly guy in the red suit will be cruising the skies on Friday night, so if you happen to see him, give him a big wave. He loves sailors best of all!
See you in 2022!