If at First You Don’t Succeed, Tri, Tri Again
On the Saturday of the crewed Farallones race, the Swan 48 Free was out for a sail when they passed a boat in the maritime yoga pose of ‘inverted tri.’ Fortunately, everyone on board was OK and the situation was under control.
As we heard the story, Rafi Yahalom, owner of the Corsair F-24 Lookin’ Good 3, was heading back from the Lightship (from a shortened Farallones race) when a quick puff arrived during a jibe. Those who’ve sailed a Hobie 16 know the feeling. As the spinnaker filled the lee bow buried, and suddenly the race was over.
Fortunately this is not a common sight when sailing the Bay.
As multihull sailors are quick to remind you, even in an inverted position multihulls still float. That’s a good thing. The boat could be towed through the Bay Bridge and into the lee of the city, where she was righted.
It wasn’t easy, but with the help of TowBoatUS, Lookin’ Good 3 is upright, and after drying out and getting some repairs she will be back to tri-racing on the Bay.
These things happen to the best of us, and we were reminded of the video of Jimmy Spithill and the flipping of USA 17 in October 2012. Here it is, just for the heck of it …
Lookin’ Good 3 will be back on the Bay, though with far less trauma and effort than USA 17.
Are You Doing the 2021 Sailstice Photo Treasure Hunt?
In Latitude 38‘s June issue we shared the story of last year’s Summer Sailstice Photo Treasure Hunt, and frankly, it looked like a blast! Did you participate? If you didn’t, you have another chance at it tomorrow as the PICYA and the YRA of San Francisco Bay are inviting all Bay Area sailors to #raiseyoursails on Summer Sailstice weekend to participate in this year’s photo tour of the Bay.
Here are a few of the photo ops you’ll be searching for in this year’s Photo Treasure Hunt: your crew leaning on the Salesforce Tower; doing the hula in front of one of your favorite Pacific islands — Alameda, Yerba Buena, Red Rock, Angel, the Brothers or …?; a photo showing a salute with any yacht club in the background. And of course there has to be one of your crew in their favorite sailing swag-branded gear: Latitude 38 hat or T-shirt, Summer Sailstice hat or T-shirt, yacht club logowear, America’s Cup swag … You get the idea? You can see the full list at the event’s page on the Summer Sailstice website.
![summer Sailstice Treasure Hunt](https://www.latitude38.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/1-Catalina-27-Nothing-Fancy-1150x863.jpeg)
And if you are still not signed up for Summer Sailstice, just so you know you won’t be alone, here are some of the sailors who are signed up to participate.
Ros de Vries of Island Yacht Club and the Santa Cruz 27 class is helping get the club and class sailing, while Milly Biller continues to inspire the Inverness YC and grow the International 110 class on Tomales Bay and beyond. Sonya David and Jack Patton, aboard their Passport 42, Gemini, are on board, as well as Marissa and Chris Neely aboard their Cheoy Lee 41, Avocet. On the East Coast, Molly Winans, editor of Spinsheet magazine on Chesapeake Bay, is helping fill the Chesapeake with sailboats on June 19. And let’s not forget the Day on Banderas Bay with the Vallarta Yacht Club, and the Umbrella Downwinder Regatta and SUP Rally at Marina Riviera Nayarit in La Cruz, both of which are open to the public. So however and with whomever you sail, even if you’re doing it solo, you’ll be in very good company!
If you’re keen to sail tomorrow, and you haven’t yet made any plans, sign up for Summer Sailstice and join this event, or another event, or just sail!
Newport Boat Models Made for You
Lola, a 55-Year-Old Kiwi Sloop, Finds a Home in San Diego
Lola, a NZ37 (New Zealand 37), is a classic wooden sloop designed as a racer/cruiser in 1966 by Jim Young of Birkenhead, New Zealand — an early innovator in New Zealand yacht design with a prolific history of designing and building wooden boats from the 1940s into the 2000s. He was best known for his Young 88 one design and his Rocket 31. One of his earlier and most notable boats was Fiery Cross (1954), a 45-ft double-ender with a separate spade rudder and a canting keel. He built her using three layers of quarter-inch kauri wood diagonal planks fastened with copper nails over steam-bent stringers and then Resorcinol. This technique facilitated one-man boatbuilding. A similar technique was used in building Lola, using two double diagonal planks of kauri wood and bronze nails.
![Lola sailing in San Diego](https://www.latitude38.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/8343-YYR2021-LOLA2-JanieNoon.jpg)
Young had many young apprentices, including the teenagers Bruce Farr and Ron Holland, aspiring yacht designers at the time. Ron Holland built the main hatch on Namu, the first NZ37, launched in 1967 and still sailing in Auckland today. Lola was built in 1969 as one of four NZ37s imported to the United States and shipped to Stan Miller Yachts in Long Beach in 1969-1970. Oddly enough, Ron Holland’s first trip to the USA and then San Francisco was aboard the cargo ship Saracen carrying two NZ37s on deck. Holland and the legendary Doug Peterson would meet only two years later, in 1971, and subsequently crewed together in racing.
Fast forward to 2011, when Morgan Spriggs brought his friend Doug Peterson along to look at Lola where he first spotted her in Alamitos Bay. As soon as they peeled back the covers, Peterson said, “You got to buy this boat!” Eight years later, in 2019, Morgan and his wife Jehanne were finally able to purchase Lola from Joe Versace of Naples Island, a veteran classic-boat owner. Joe had previously restored the beautiful Lapworth-designed Sumatra and was working on restoring the Young-designed ketch Matangi; it was clear he would only sell Lola to someone who was familiar with wooden boats and who would continue the high level of maintenance required.
It was a perfect match. Morgan came from a sailing family and had grown up sailing and working on wooden boats. Morgan’s father, Robert Spriggs, is a former San Diego Yacht Club commodore and an Ancient Mariners Sailing Society founder and commodore. Their family boat when the children were young was the Jonathan Swift, a 1938 60-ft racing cutter designed by De Vries Lentsch and built in Holland, originally for the Fastnet race. The family lived and cruised on that boat. Bob and Darlene took their children, then 7 and 5, on a 12-month 6,000-mile cruise south from San Diego to many anchorages in six countries. In later years, the Spriggs family boat was the 1948 65-ft Rhodes ketch Alert, built by Lester Stone of Alameda. The family engaged in a three-year restoration.
![Lola's salon](https://www.latitude38.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/LOLA-Interior-800x525.jpg)
After taking ownership of Lola, Morgan researched her and Jim Young’s history and was fortunate to connect with him by email. Jim was 93 at the time, sharp as ever with a great memory, and delighted that one of his NZ37s was still beautiful and sailing in the United States. Sadly, he passed away last year at 94. Many great stories can be found in his autobiography Jim Young: Designer, Boatbuilder, Sailor.
Morgan, his son Cam, and friends sailed Lola without a motor from Naples Island to San Diego. Cam, now 16, sails a variety of boats, including Sabots, FJs, 420s and 49ers. Morgan decided to install a motor of the original design, a Danish Bukh diesel. He journeyed to Denmark to purchase and bring the motor to San Diego. It was installed in Lola’s original engine mount, which is forward of the mast and under the sink in the head (weight forward!).
![Lola sailing](https://www.latitude38.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/8446-YYR2021-Lola-JanieNoon.jpg)
Morgan, Jehanne and their children Cam and Isabella feel Lola is the perfect family boat for them. They have started sailing in Ancient Mariners regattas, and are looking forward to more racing, sailing and coastal cruising.
![Spriggs family](https://www.latitude38.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Spriggs-family.jpg)
More Eye Candy from the 2021 Master Mariners Regatta
The 2021 Master Mariners Regatta held on May 30 attracted dozens of beautiful sailboats and their crews. All enjoyed the beautiful sunshine, healthy breezes and a good dose of friendly rivalry. And although we’ve already shared a story about the day, we were reminded that many sailors have personal memories associated with these grand old boats. Memo Gidley wrote to us about his life as a kid being raised around “passionate wooden boat builders and sailors” and the “feel, smell and taste of a classic wooden vessel …” (you can read his full letter in Latitude 38‘s July issue). Memo’s musings inspired us to share more of the fantastic photos that were taken across the Bay throughout the race.
![Master Mariners](https://www.latitude38.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/WC69394-1150x776.jpg)
Had enough? Never! Keep an eye out for July’s Latitude 38 for our Master Mariners feature story.