The (Last) Year in Photos
Latitude Nation — we thought we’d share one more 2018 retrospective with you before we’re ready to ship out the old and welcome in the new. On New Year’s Eve, we shared some of our best photos from the last 12 months on our Facebook page, and asked you to do the same. Here’s what some of you offered:
Ending the Year a Winner
As we start off 2019, we’re recognizing Latitude 38 T-shirt winner Lenny Jay, who picked up his December copy at the Golden Gate Yacht Club and found an It’s-Your-Lucky-Day notice inside. As you may or may not know, we drop a few ‘Golden Tickets’ into random issues every month. It’s just another reason to pick up your always-free and endlessly enlightening hardcopy of Latitude at the start of each month.
Leonard sails as crew aboard a friend’s Nonsuch 30 out of GGYC (who call themselves “The Friendliest Club on the Bay” — a competition we think is worth encouraging). Leonard is sailing in both current midwinters, including the 48th Manuel Fagundes Seaweed Soup Regatta, and the summer Friday night Small Craft Beer Can series.
If you’d like a chance to start out 2019 as a Latitude 38 T-shirt winner, stop by any of our 700 magazine distribution points.
Latitude 38 Job Opportunity
Our Calendar vs. Their Calendar
When we got our 2019 planner from the office supply store, we saw that the weekend days are half the size of weekdays. What’s up with that?
Our calendar gets the priorities right:
The 2019 Northern California Sailing Calendar and YRA Master Schedule was sent to the YRA’s mailing list in late December and distributed to select Bay Area outlets with the January issue of Latitude 38 on Friday. We also just posted it online. If you’re a distributor who would like to receive a bundle (or if you’ve run out already), give us a call at (415) 383-8200. If you’d like to order a single issue, you can do so here ($5 will cover postage and handling).
Update on Jan. 3: We’ve posted a PDF of the 2019 Calendar here: