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Archive for January 2018

Sailing San Francisco ‘Valley’

Besides being one of the world’s great sailing meccas, the Bay Area is also a world-renowned food and beverage destination. Napa Valley has set the standard, but the food culture that surrounds the entire Bay is unbeatable. More »

BCDC Continues Westpoint Assault

The  BCDC’s recent loss of their case against John Sweeney’s Point Buckler Island has only caused them to modify their strategy regarding Westpoint Harbor in Redwood City. Despite numerous local citizen supporters and an award-winning environmental design, the BCDC is going out of its way to shut down the facility. More »

Missing: Irwin 52 ‘YachtCruz’

A sailboat traveling from Cabo San Lucas to San Diego has gone missing, and debris and an EPIRB have been found, according to people familiar with the incident. A photo of YachtCruz, a 52-ft Irwin ketch, taken from Jeanne Pepler’s Facebook page. More »

The Best Boats South of the Border

I jolted wide awake, just before dawn, and made my way on deck to heed nature’s call. Crawling out of the forepeak was no easy task (this and ‘the call’ both sure signs I was getting older) — you had to grab onto to something, then wiggle your legs out until you could bring them underneath you, then shuffle past the inoperable head and into the salon. More »

Winter Is Seminar Season, Part 1

The winter months of January and February are so replete with seminars on virtually all aspects of sailing that we won’t have room to list them all in one post. But we’ll get a start with events this weekend. More »

It All Starts Somewhere

This past Monday we posted a story about Karen Swezey who, after winning a T-shirt from Latitude 38, let us know she’d started her sailing life while young aboard a family Sunfish in the South Bay. More »

Captains Courageous on the Big Screen

As a movie buff who spent endless hours of adolescence watching movies from the ’30s and ’40s on TV channels with high numbers (like 36, 40 and 44), usually worn-out prints badly chopped up by do-it-yourself used-car-dealer ads, this editor can only wonder how she managed to miss seeing Captains Courageous. More »

Hall of Fame Accepting Nominations

The National Sailing Hall of Fame accepts nominations any time, but only those received by midnight (Pacific Time) on March 30 will be considered for this year’s class of Inductees. (Nominations received after March 30 will be included for consideration for the Class of 2019.) More »

Kris Larsen and the ‘Kehaar Darwin’

Last Wednesday in ‘Lectronic Latitude, we reported on a "Strange Boat Rescued off Maui." One reader commented: "Every man and woman who owns a boat, loves their boat above others. It’s just not good manners to disrespect another person’s boat." More »

Cruising the Bay at 1500 Feet

Saturday was a stunning day to be cruising the Bay. Though, this time, we did it from about 1500 feet. The view is a little different than from sea level. While we were cruising China Camp from above, some Bay sailors were anchored out and enjoying this local cruising destination. More »