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Latitude 38 Working Waterfront News Central

Since its inception, Latitude 38 has been able to cover, inspire and connect the people in our sailing community thanks to the businesses that support sailors and sailing. This includes boatyards, sailmakers, marinas, boat builders and numerous trades and craftspeople. Over the decades, the space available along our critical public waterfront continues to shrink.  Our Working Waterfront page is dedicated to covering these stories to bring awareness to the jobs, facilities and services that are vital to our nation's commercial and recreational maritime infrastructure. Enjoying the 12-month sailing season up and down the California coast is one of the prime features of living in the West. A working waterfront is one that works for all California citizens and retains space for these important waterfront facilities.

Sailor Aidan Mobley Takes on Mavericks Big-Wave Surfing

Andrew Cotton and Aidan Mobley

Aidan Mobley is taking on plenty of new high-performance sailing and surfing challenges.

Is There a Safe Break in the Berkeley Pier?

Berkeley Pier

Has anyone sailed through the Berkeley Pier? And done it safely?

The Conflicting Interests Spinning in the Oakland Estuary Turning Basin

Plans to dredge the Oakland Estuary’s inner and outer turning basins in order to accommodate larger ships faces conflicting environmental and economic interests.

Lauren Eisele: Up to Her Neck in Sea Level Rise and Sailing

Lauren Eisele Nicki Bennett

Bay Area sailor Lauren Eisele adds planning for climate impacts to her busy schedule of teaching sailing and conducting sailing seminars.

Good Jibes #118: Bill Kreysler on Business Lessons From Sailing

Tune in as host Moe Roddy chats with sailor-turned-entrepreneur Bill Kreysler about sailing, business and building racing boats.

DeWitt El Toro Mural Progress Report

DeWitt El Toro

The Jim DeWitt mural on West Cutting Boulevard in Richmond is showing its full fall colors as it nears completion.

The Simple Pleasures of Sailing — Maintenance

The simplicity of sailing provides endless pleasure, while the maintenance gives a chance for lifelong learning.

Bay Area Sailors Cast Off Into the Holiday Spirit

The Bay Area sailing community is opening its door for everything from movies to art shows to live music and lighted boat parades.

San Diego Connects Sailors to the Sea

San Diego Marine Exchange

San Diego sailors have it good. After Monday’s magnificent start to the Baja Ha-Ha we took a tour through the San Diego sailing community.

Good Jibes #112: Krysia Pohl on Serving and Sailing

Hear about Krysia’s 23 years of service in the US Coast Guard, her Olympic Sailing campaigns, and just sailing for fun.

Working Waterfront Issues and Resources

Numerous groups and organizations around the country are working to help preserve maritime economic zones.  Working Waterfront Organizations:

National Working Waterfront Network

Sausalito Working Waterfront

San Diego Working Waterfront

Port Townsend Working Waterfront

San Francisco Bay fill map circa 1969.
Map of Bay fill and conversion to resevoir in 1969. San Francisco Bay might have disappeared or looked dramatically different without the attention of those who recognized and protected the Bay for all Bay Area citizens.

Job Opportunities