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Who’s Hu in the Ha-Ha? Sailing Through the Baja Archives

As we look ahead to this year’s Baja Ha-Ha cruisers’ rally to Mexico, we also like to take a few peeks into the past and see who has Ha-Ha’d and what they thought about the experience. Recently we heard from Tim Dick, veteran of three out of the last four Ha-Ha’s, aboard his Lagoon 42 Malolo.

Tim sent us the link to a story about the actress Kelly Hu, who is also a Baja Ha-Ha veteran and joined Malolo for the 2022 southerly cruisers’ migration. But before we go into that story, here’s what Hu had to say about the voyage.

“What a ‘rowdy’ bunch,” Hu said of the 80-strong fleet in Latitude 38‘s December 2022 issue, “which is the highest compliment I can pay a group. A Ha-Ha virgin, I was impressed with the organization and super-impressed with how everybody pitched in to help people who had various issues. I would never want to go without a group like the Ha-Ha.” At the time, Hu, was playing a detective, alongside Snoop Dogg, on the television series Black Mafia Family.

Ha-ha Kelly Hu and crewmate
Tim Dick with Kelly Hu, who only wants to sail offshore with a group like the Ha-Ha. She thought everyone was super-nice and helpful.
© 2023 Grand Poobah

Perhaps in keeping with some kind of “What goes on the Ha-Ha, stays on the Ha-Ha,” Hu shared only a little about her rally experience in a recent interview with Chilled magazine. When asked what she does in her downtime, Hu talked about Burning Man and a trip to Hawaii before revealing that she also “got certified for sailing, and sailed in a rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas called the Baja Ha-Ha.”

The story goes to show that the Ha-Ha really is for everyone. There’s no discrimination of any kind — just ’cause you’re famous on the screen, doesn’t mean you can’t go sailing!

Have you signed up yet? There’s still time, but with almost 70 boats and crews on the list, dock space in Cabo might be out. No one cares, though. Mexico is so chill that being at anchor is a blast. Check it out here and add your name to this year’s fleet.


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