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Watch Out for Dead Heads

Seth Clark, owner of the Express 27 Current Affair, wrote the following on the Cal Sailing Club listserve:

"There is a large deadhead (submerged log) just west X buoy. It has been in the same location for a few weeks. It is hard to see by day and would not be visible at night." The location Clark refers to is west of XOC, a yellow cylinder that was the center of the old Olympic Circle off Berkeley.

"I’ll try to reach US Army Corps of Engineers tomorrow."

The Express 27 division start at the Berkeley Yacht Club Midwinters on Saturday. The XOC mark served as the pin end of the line. We didn’t hear of anyone hitting the deadhead; visibility was excellent this weekend, and boatspeeds sedate.

©Latitude 38 Media, LLC

If you’re transiting the area this week, keep an eye out.


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