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Watch Mark Do The Canal

What would a beautiful Younger Girl such as this being doing with a skipper who looks like . . .

Younger Girl
©2009 Latitude 38 Media, LLC

San Diego’s Mark Sciarretta, who is not only a vet of multiple Ha-Ha’s, but also a serial and multiple boatowner, wants everyone to know that he and his new younger girl can be watched, via the internet, transiting the Panama Canal today. In this case, the Younger Girl is the Lagoon 380 catamaran he purchased in the Caribbean late last year, and which he’s been cruising ever since on his way to Mexico and California.

this? It’s because Mark, about to shave his head and face, is willing to embarrass himself a little to call attention to his favorite charity.

Younger Girl
©2009 Latitude 38 Media, LLC

Mark reports they are scheduled to be doing the Lake Gatun Locks starting at 1:45 Pacific Time, and will probably be the middle boat in a three boat raft-up. Delays are common in the Canal, however, so they may run an hour or two late. To access the camera, click here.

If you get to the Canal website and have to wait, Mark wants you to visit site, and check out a charity he’d love you to support. If you have any questions about it, you can email him on his Blackberry at (503) 320-9859. It’s his second Blackberry, the first one having gone for a swim in the shorebreak at Grand Case, St. Martin, and not liking it one bit.


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