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‘Tis the Season for Golden Ticket Winners to Appear

Craig Murk wrote us last week to say he had found a Golden Ticket inside his November Latitude 38. (OK, we know it’s a blue ticket… more on that later.) Craig has a 1978 Tartan 30 that he says lived most or all of its life in Sausalito. “As far as I know, I am the third or fourth owner,” he wrote.

Craig Murk w/ golden ticket
“I found the Golden Ticket, Grandpa!”
© 2022 Craig Murk
Craig Murk's Tartan on the water
The boat is now based in Richmond, but Craig still sails her all over the Bay, and occasionally out to Point Bonita, “…but I of course have bigger aspirations than that.”
© 2022 Craig Murk

Craig gets his copies of Latitude 38 at the Marina Bay harbormaster’s office, or at Whale Point Hardware — “Come for the parts, stay for the blues!” — in Richmond.

And, for his prize, we’re sending Craig a Latitude 38 “500 Issues” T-shirt.
© 2022 L38 Store

So, back to that Golden Ticket, which is actually blue… Why is that?

Last month, when we announced Brian Ackerman’s Golden Ticket find (which was also a blue ticket), we heard from Buzz Bauer, who asked, “Why is ‘The Golden Ticket’ blue????” Did anyone else notice the change?

And why are we still calling it a Golden Ticket when it’s not gold in color? This is an easy question to answer — finding a Golden Ticket sounds much more exciting than finding a Blue Ticket. Besides, we don’t want to change the name too often — what if we changed the color again? We’d all end up very confused.



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