‘Tis the Season for Golden Ticket Winners to Appear
Craig Murk wrote us last week to say he had found a Golden Ticket inside his November Latitude 38. (OK, we know it’s a blue ticket… more on that later.) Craig has a 1978 Tartan 30 that he says lived most or all of its life in Sausalito. “As far as I know, I am the third or fourth owner,” he wrote.

Craig gets his copies of Latitude 38 at the Marina Bay harbormaster’s office, or at Whale Point Hardware — “Come for the parts, stay for the blues!” — in Richmond.

So, back to that Golden Ticket, which is actually blue… Why is that?
Last month, when we announced Brian Ackerman’s Golden Ticket find (which was also a blue ticket), we heard from Buzz Bauer, who asked, “Why is ‘The Golden Ticket’ blue????” Did anyone else notice the change?
And why are we still calling it a Golden Ticket when it’s not gold in color? This is an easy question to answer — finding a Golden Ticket sounds much more exciting than finding a Blue Ticket. Besides, we don’t want to change the name too often — what if we changed the color again? We’d all end up very confused.