Unique Challenges of Community Youth Sailing Programs
While volunteers at Alameda Community Sailing Center were getting their space ready for the recent Spring Sailing Camp at their Encinal Boat Ramp location, they saw the need to do something about all the weeds that have grown in the boat storage area.

In addition to sailing skills, an important component of all youth programs is teaching young sailors an appreciation for the environment as well as good stewardship practices. This meant a ‘green’ method of weed removal was paramount. The solution? Borrowing some black sheep to graze throughout the camp boat storage yard until they’d devoured all the weeds. Now, with the weeds gone, instructors and volunteers can focus on the more important aspects of sail training like gudgeon and pintle repair and sail repair, and keeping boats on the water filled with smiling kids.

We understand some of these sheep are hoping to win the ‘Barn Door Trophy’ in the upcoming 50th Transpac. To learn more about Alameda Community Sailing’s upcoming summer programs, please see Sail Alameda.