The Price of Diesel
A couple of mariners — they have a trawler — who plan to return to Central America and Panama on their boat are hoping to get an update on the price of fuel — diesel and gas — in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. If you have current info, could you please pass it along?
Here in St. Barth, diesel goes for about 1.36 euros a liter. There are 3.9 liters to a gallon, so that makes it 5.30 euros to the gallons. Given the euro-to-dollar exchange rate, that turns out to be $7.42/gallon. So yes, if you’re going to fill up a six-gallon tank for your dinghy outboard, you can kiss a $50 bill good-bye. Then you can start looking for a four-stroke as opposed to a two-stroke. Based on our experience, four-strokes get about double the fuel economy.

Diesel is slightly less expensive.