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Take a Quick Scroll to the Bottom of the Ocean

Did you know that emperor penguins can dive 1,700-ish feet? Do you know how deep a human being has dived (and when)? What’s the largest type of crab? Who were the first people to take a submarine into the Mariana Trench?

These are some of the many cool facts we found when scrolling down, down . . . down on The Deep Sea. We highly recommend taking a deep dive, by clicking here.

If you have a few minutes to kill (or even if you don’t), you should take a dive in the deep blue sea.
© 2019


  1. Bill Bohmer 5 years ago

    Wow! That was great

  2. George Gurrola 5 years ago


  3. yomama 2 years ago

    love the feature!

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Jim Hancock has been a busy guy. How do we know? He sent us the photo below of his dockline sprouting grass after our seasonal rains. That's not a good sign for someone we know who loves to be sailing the Bay.
San Francisco Bay Racing
Thirty-nine boats came out to enjoy some of the finest Midwinter racing ever. We were able to start on time. The 10-15 knots of wind came from the same place all day. It was fantastic!