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Hey YRA Racers: #raiseyoursails on #summersailstice

Recently, US Sailing VP Rich Jepsen recalled Bay Area legend Tom Blackaller saying, “Why would anyone ever just go sailing?” It’s a good question. At least for racers. This is because when racers are forced to relax they get all stressed out. Conversely, when cruisers and recreational sailors are forced to race they get all stressed out. With most racing canceled but so many boats categorized as ‘racer/cruisers’, Summer Sailstice and the Yacht Racing Association have teamed up to create a Goldilocks activity that fits between nail-biting competition and relaxing ‘just going sailing’.

Close action sailing
Not everyone finds this moment fun. Others just love it.
© 2020 Summer Sailstice

Saturday, June 20, is the 20th annual Summer Sailstice celebration of sailing. The YRA is inviting all Bay Area sailors to join the Summer Sailstice YRA Photo Treasure Hunt. Unlike racing, it is completely disorganized. There is no start time, no start location, no course, no rating rules and no pre- or post-regatta party. However, there is a chance to win. When you RSVP for the YRA Photo Treasure Hunt and post #photos of Bay Area landmarks, you become eligible to win a free entry in the rescheduled Great Vallejo Race or a free 2021 PHRF certificate. You will also be entered to win prizes from the full Summer Sailstice list.

Keep it simple. Sail where you want, when you want and post your hashtagged photos to Instagram.
© 2020 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Tim

You can cruise as comfortably as you like or race around as fast as you like. It doesn’t matter. Your rating can be -66 or 270 and you have an equal chance of winning. From the submitted photos, winners will be chosen completely at random. But to win you do have to enter, sail, and post your photos. We’d guess this is too tame for Tom Blackaller and many racers, but it’s better than not sailing at all or not having a chance to win.

Cruising to Vallejo
If a cruiser wins the Vallejo Race entry they can sail it as a cruising rally with a party at the end.
© 2020 Latitude 38 Media LLC / Tim

You can read more about it in the Sightings section of the current issue of Latitude 38. We look forward to seeing you on the water when you #raiseyoursails on June 20 and again in Vallejo, where we’ll greet the winner of both the free entry and the class winners.

If you’re a South Bay sailor you can join a similar event created by Winston Bumpus, PICYA staff commodore and member of  The Club at Westpoint in Redwood City. If you’re anywhere else in the world create your own!

Summer Sailstice 2020
#raiseyoursails for Summer Sailstice.
© 2020 Summer Sailstice

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