Summer Sailing Starts With a Spectacular Summer Sailstice Weekend
It was a pretty perfect weekend on the Bay to start off the summer sailing. We began our Summer Sailstice weekend with a brisk Friday night race off the Corinthian Yacht Club, though it ended prematurely with a broken jib halyard. We got the jib back up with a spare and carried on for a nice evening sail.

Then it was up early to join the CYC cruise-out to the San Rafael Yacht Club, as we needed to join other members in making room for the Master Mariners Wooden Boat Show on Sunday. Our Saturday sail up to San Rafael passed by San Francisco YC’s Hank Easom Regatta, which was busy racing on the Knox course. We sailed around Angel Island, passing through the Westpoint Regatta on their windward leg to Harding Rock. It was a very fine day for sailing.
With so much going on, we’re going to summarize with a glimpse of sailing on the Bay and some shots of testing the eight-foot draft of the San Rafael Canal.

The Master Mariners Wooden Boat Show and the Westpoint Regatta were two of many events on the Summer Sailstice map.

The San Rafael Yacht Club was joining sailors from the South Pacific to Norway (where the sun almost doesn’t set on Summer Sailstice). You can see participants that included SailGP, the Newport Bermuda Race, and sailors just going sailing. We’ll have more on the weekend racing events, the beautiful boats on display at the Master Mariners Wooden Boat Show, and numerous other summer sailing events past and future.
How was your weekend? If you’ve got pictures and news of your sailing event, adventures and sailing friends, send them to us at [email protected].
Have a great summer of sailing!