Sometimes a Cigar is Just a Cigar
In the May 11 and May 13 ‘Lectronics, we ran pieces on the recent troubles between various cruiser factions, businesses, and Fonatur staff in Puerto Escondido. While all this was going on, a noose appeared on the scene.
While things are still in a state of flux in what appears to us to be a ‘death match’ between certain groups in Puerto Escondido, and where the backstory is as messy and convoluted as in any soap opera, we do have clarity on the noose. It didn’t have anything to do with anything.
Craig Ashby of Puerto Escondido explains: "Some Mexican friends and I got involved in some banter on the subject of preferred methods of execution in our respective countries. They thought the firing squad was better, while I said I preferred hanging. They said anyone could pull a trigger, but I probably couldn’t even tie a noose. Well, I tied one. And someone later threw it over the bicycle rack. That’s it. If anybody wanted to make anything more of it than that, they brought the idea with them."
By the way, we’ve received a lot of email on the situation in Puerto Escondido. If you have an opinion on it one way or another, we’d still like to hear about it. We’ll be in Mexico soon, and expect to meet with Baja Tourism officials in anticipation of another Ha-Ha and another cruising season in Mexico. As tourism is so critical to the Mexican economy, the Department of Tourism is always interested in getting feedback. So if you’d like to share your opinion on the situation or your experiences in Puerto Escondido — or anywhere else in Baja or Mexico — we’d be happy to serve as a conduit.
Lastly, we want to remind everyone that, despite the troubles between some factions in Puerto Escondido, cruisers continue to absolutely love the area. For example, we received a phone call from old friend Wayne Hendryx of the Brisbane-based Hughes 45 Capricorn Cat. Wayne is always a bit of an excitable boy, but he absolutely could not stop raving about what an absolutely fantastic time he and his lady Carol had at Loreto Fest. Although northerly winds made the weather conditions less than ideal, he went on and on about how great the vibe was among the hundreds of cruisers, how fabulous the Fonatur staff was, how terrific the official and unofficial seminars were, how crowded the dance floor was . . . ad infinitum. Others have assured us that just about anyone can avoid the ‘minefields’ of P.E., so it should absolutely be a ‘don’t miss’ on everyone’s cruising plans.
Alas, Wayne didn’t send us the promised photos from Loreto Fest, so if anybody has some they want to share for the June Latitude, please send them. But please do it ASAP. Gracias.