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Singlar’s New Boatyard is Hauling

Everything is shiny and new at the new Singlar Boatyard in Mazatlan.

© Michael Latta

"Last week I hauled my 22-ft Falmouth Channel Cutter Narwhal at Singlar’s big new boatyard facility next door to Marina Mazatlan," reports Mike Latta. "I hauled to complete a new engine installation plus take care of the usual list of maintenance items.

"The yard has been open and hauling boats for about two months, has seemed to work out the early kinks, and is now running smoothly. The physical plant and associated equipment are absolutely first class, and I’ve found the workers to be professional, open, and always ready to help.

Jared Martinez is the head of both Operations and Administration at Singlar in Mazatlan, and is doing a good job.

© Michael Latta

"The Supervisor of both Operations and Administration is Jared Martinez, who, along with Administrations head Alma Magro, run a well-oiled ship. The paperwork for my haul and launch was almost non-existent. By the way, it cost me just under $180 for both ways, which I think is reasonable. The only way I could have done it cheaper was to careen on a tidal flat. For boats from 31 to over 51 feet, the price is between $7.14 and $8.82 a foot, but doesn’t include tax.

"The old ‘build it and they will come’ adage seems to be true here, as several major marine repair and general maintenance organizations have leased workshop space in the Singlar facility, and more will be arriving soon. Bob Buchanan’s Total Yacht Services was selected by Singlar to move in as a kind of ‘anchor’ tenant. As the biggest Yanmar dealer on the Pacific coast of Mexico, Canandian Buchanan — who is well-known to many cruisers  — and his business have become a magnet for engine repair and services. His installation of my new Yanmar two-cylinder is almost complete, and I hope to start giving waterskiing lessons as soon as I’m back in the water.

"C&C Marine Services is another company that is very busy and doing good work. They just completed a tough blister job on Narwhal, and will be doing all the barrier coats and bottom paint, too. The folks at Grupo Naval are available for fiberglass and bottom jobs, as well as other maintenance work. So the resources are here for just about any fix-it problem a sailor might have. Also coming to the boatyard are a chandlery, strainless steel fabrication business, sail loft, grocery store, cafe and restaurant. Singlar also has inside storage space rentals, wet and dry outside boat storage, a token-operated laundromat, and free Wi-Fi.

Feeling rundown? Claudia will put some new fuel – diesel or gas – in your tank from the big Pemex supply.

© 2007 Michael Latta

"In addition, the Pemex fuel dock is now open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Mondays through Saturdays. You just need to call Claudia, the manager, for an appointment. The fuel dock is an easy in and out, and has 10 feet of water at low tide.

"My favorite Singlar feature? Whenever I get tired of working in the hot sun — which is most of the time — I can simply climb the steps to the roof-top swimming pool and Jacuzzi, and hop in. There’s nothing like looking over the edge of a pool while supervising work on your boat.

"Jared tells me that Fonatur, the Mexican tourist development agency that is also their parent, has been in contact with the government to widen and deepen the main harbor entrance that leads to Marina El Cid, Marina Mazatlan and Singlar. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. Sure, it would make it much safer in bad weather, but it would also mean that the richy-rich folks with their 100 and 200-ft boats could get in, and there would go the neighborhood — not to mention the berth rates."


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