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Sign Up for the 9th Delta Doo Dah

It’s hard to believe that she’s already nine years old! Dreamed up at a Latitude 38 staff Christmas party in 2008, the Delta Doo Dah cruising rally has facilitated, encouraged, coaxed, enabled and charmed hundreds of sailors venturing beyond San Francisco Bay into their own back forty, a watery wonderland formed by a network of rivers and sloughs just a few miles yet worlds away from the urban jungle.

A bow line tied to a tree and a stern anchor hold this boat-camping Delta Doo Dah racer/cruiser in place on Turner Cut, just off the San Joaquin River in Stockton

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Delta Doo Dah 9 had a ‘soft opening’ over the weekend (we invited some Doo Dah vets to test out the registration form), and now we’re ready for prime time. Learn more about the Doo Dah here, then sign up here. Registration is free, but we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to pre-order burgees and shirts. For those who order with their registration, we’re waiving the shipping and handling charge. 

After its first four editions, the Delta Doo Dah shifted into a do-it-yourself mode, but we still run some events to help rally members get to know each other. The first is a Kickoff Party and Delta Cruising Seminar hosted by Richmond Yacht Club on Saturday, May 13, 6-9 p.m. The very capable, entertaining and seasoned Delta cruisers Ann and Craig Perez conduct the seminar portion with copious input from participants. We’ll bring some prizes to raffle off. The club bar will be selling drinks.

Craig Perez, a proponent of pink-flamingo chic, talking at the Delta Cruising Seminar in 2015.

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The Delta Ditch Run, a glorious 67-mile race from Richmond to Stockton, is on June 10, and Stockton Sailing Club is again inviting Delta Doo Dah ralliers to join the Cruising Division (or, if you’re a racer, enter one of the racing divisions). A separate fee and sign-up are required. We recommend poking around the Delta for the week, or leaving the boat up there and returning to it, because Owl Harbor in Isleton will host a BBQ you won’t want to miss on the following Saturday, June 17. Both SSC and Owl are along the San Joaquin River.

Delta Ditch Run racers and a Delta Doo Dah cruiser sail past Pittsburg on their way to SSC last year.

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Cruisers gather for delicious BBQ on Owl Harbor’s deck.

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These are early days yet, and we’ll be adding a host of prizes and swell deals as the summer approaches. If you’re interested in becoming an official sponsor, donating a prize, offering a deal to our official entries, or hosting an event, please contact Doodette Chris or Dood Mitch.


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