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Show Us Your Best Storm Shots

Beached boats are a nightmare for local authorities, and when owners don’t have the means to pay for their removal and associated shoreside damage, taxpayers end up footing the bill. Here, a Marin County sheriff surveys a wooden fishing boat that went up on the Tiburon Peninsula early last week. 

©2017Latitude 38 Media, LLC

Here in the Bay Area, the combination of powerful storm systems with abnormally high tides can have drastic results — and we’re not just talking about boats leaking in places where they’ve never leaked before.

During the past two weeks, storm surge accompanied by punishing winds into the 40-knot range have pummeled boats, marinas and anchorages, and threatened to flood many waterside facilities. 

Our readers and reporters have sent in a variety of storm-related photos, but we’d love to see more. So, we invite you to share your best storm shots, for possible inclusion in a February-issue article. 

It’s an odd feeling to walk uphill on a gangway to access a floating dock. But that was the situation Wednesday at the Stockton Sailing Club. King tides have wreaked havoc throughout the Bay Area.

© 2017 Jim Cahill

In the meantime, it looks as if we’ll have a reprieve from deluging rain until sometime next week, so we’d encourage you to check all your docklines and fenders, and make sure your bilge pumps are functioning properly and your cockpit drains are unclogged. And while you’re at it, why not get out on the water for a bit of winter sailing? We can’t think of a better tonic to cure the rainy-day blues.


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US Sailing announced yesterday that Olympic bronze medalist Caleb Paine of San Diego and IKA Formula Kite World Champion Daniela Moroz of Lafayette (in the East Bay) have been named 2016 Rolex Yachtsman and Yachtswoman of the Year.
While some West Coast racing fleets are shrinking, we’re thrilled to announce that a new breed of cutting-edge racing machines will soon be heading our way.