September Issue Out Now
Is it September already? Well, no, not till Sunday, but guess what? The new issue of Latitude 38 is out today, and, spoiler alert, it’s one of our favorite issues ever.
Here are a few excerpts:
Pacific Puddle Jump Recap
“Our highs were days of sailing in nearly perfect conditions, when the boat, the sea and the wind were in nearly perfect balance; enjoying the 360-degree, unfettered view of a perfect ocean; stars and fluorescence at night. Crossing an ocean and the equator is not a trivial undertaking. The sense of satisfaction was enormous,” said Nello and Sheridan Angerilli — of the Beneteau 11.50 Marathon — in the PPJ Recap. “For us, lows included the duration of the trip and the constant movement of the boat, sometimes in very uncomfortable ways.”

The Foiling Follow-Up
“If you’re trying to go fast, why be saddled with monohull configuration?” asked Malcom Gefter, a Newport, Rhode Island, native and progenitor of the TF 10, a Morrelli & Melvin-designed foiling trimaran. Gefter spoke to us in a Follow-Up to 2018’s The Foiling Feature. “What a multihull does is move the weight outward — you’re not saddled with a lead keel and a million people on the rail.” With the TF 10, Gefter said the theory “is basically saying, ‘Don’t bother adding weight on the windward side, but rather, push up on the leeward side.'” Creating leeward lift is something that foils are uniquely capable of offering.

“According to Captain Alejandro Irigoyen, aka Dad, he’s been cultivating the dream of circumnavigating for 25 years — ever since he crewed on his first offshore ocean race, and long before he met his wife, Bernadette Sanchez,” wrote our editor-at-large Andy Turpin about an extraordinary family he met in the South Pacific. “Having recently cashed out of their comfortable life ashore in Puebla, Mexico, they’re now on a mission to become the first Mexican family to circumnavigate the globe — and along the way they intend to spread a message of peace and respect.”

Transpac Part 2
“As this issue of Latitude 38 goes to press, the party has long been over in Honolulu and the bulk of the fleet has successfully returned to the Mainland, bringing this 50th edition of the Transpac well and truly to a close,” wrote Ronnie Simpson in his second installment on the Transpacific yacht race.

The September 2019 issue will also feature Letters, Changes in Latitudes, The Racing Sheet, World of Charter, and, of course, the winner of this month’s Caption Contest(!) in Loose Lips.

So please, by all means, drop whatever you’re doing, hit the waterfront (click here to find a distributor), and pick up the new issue of Latitude 38. Otherwise, Latitude will find you, Nation.