Save Your Strength and Sail

A couple of weeks ago a young couple walked into Beacon Marine, Ventura Harbor’s Chandlery. Three days previously they had left Goleta, California in a kayak and were heading down the coast to San Diego. They were sunburned and their arms were getting a bit tired. Considering the area’s afternoon breeze, they thought a small sail would aid in getting them south faster and more easily.
John Chille was working that day and, being a pocket cruiser specialist, he took on the job of building a sail. Money and time were both an issue for the couple but within two hours John had them on their way. Scrap lumber, a tarp, a couple of grommets, duct tape, and some line became a sail. When completed, it had a handle for easy carrying and it was reefable. Just a bit more of what we call "Beacon Magic" — it happens all the time.