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Save Historic Travis Marina This Sunday

The Friends of Travis Marina invite our readers to join them at the bar this Sunday.

Travis Marina from the water
Approaching Travis Marina, in Horseshoe Cove, and Fort Baker from San Francisco Bay.
© 2020 Anne Thomas

This is amazing!” they wrote in their invitation. “We have over 13,850 signatures on our petition asking National Park Service to make a long-term contract with Travis Air Force Base to continue as the operator of the boat shop and Marina at Fort Baker.”

Although Travis Air Force Base is in Fairfield, CA, the Travis Marina (and bar) is nestled at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge’s North Tower, in the headlands of Sausalito. The Travis Marina Bar occupies the second floor of Presidio Yacht Club. It’s in a funky old building — and we like it that way. The view, however, is easily worth a million bucks. The neighborhood includes the Bay Area Discovery Museum, Coast Guard Station Golden Gate and the upscale Cavallo Point lodge/spa/restaurant.

“Come one, come all, to enjoy an afternoon at Travis Marina Bar (Presidio Yacht Club) Sunday, March 15, 2-5 p.m.,” continues the invitation. “Show your support of Travis Air Force remaining the operator of this unique service-driven gem in our community. Come share why you love Travis Marina, enjoy great music by local band Clean Break, and relax on your beautiful, historic working waterfront.

“Let’s show NPS we do not want the corporatization of our waterfront. Travis Marina is part of the irreplaceable working waterfront of Sausalito.”

plein air painter
Presidio Yacht Club and the Travis Bar occupy part of this building. These photos were taken during a cruise-in from Richmond YC last April. Rumors of development were already circulating.
© 2020 Anne Thomas

“We will also hold another event in the near future because of current health concerns and the chance of rain,” writes Piper Perreault from the Friends of Travis Marina. “But those very salty sailors, please join us this Sunday as well! Those who don’t want to come but still want to show support can call Nancy Pelosi, Jared Huffman and John Garamendi and tell them to ask NPS to stop their RFQ process looking for a new lessee and negotiate a long-term contract directly with Travis Air Force Base because it’s in the best interest of the public.”

Email any questions to [email protected].



  1. Sharon Lapin 5 years ago

    Can you please pass on my support for the Presidio YC to retain its location and relationship with Travis AFB?

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