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Sailboat Washed Up on Ocean Beach

On or around New Year’s Eve, a 24-ft sailboat washed up on Ocean Beach. U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Reed reports that Sherry Mae broke loose from her mooring — he could not confirm where she was moored — while her owner was out of town. The Coasties have been in contact with the owner, who is returning to the Bay this weekend to begin the removal process. The boat doesn’t seem to have suffered major damage but one wonders what kind of condition she’s in after 10 or more days aground. If you have any more info on the boat, please contact LaDonna.


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We’re not sure if Thursday’s big opening day crowds at the San Diego Boat Show were there because of the economy — or in spite of it.
"Yes," say Rob and Mary Miller, who did the first Ha-Ha in ’94, then cruised most of the way around the world for the next 11 years aboard their 44-ft Maude I.