Episode #67: Around the World in 29 Months and Voyage to the Antipode (Latitude 38 Verbatim)
This is Episode #67 and we’re casting off with the articles “Clipper Race – Around the World in 29 Months” and “Far Side of the World – Voyage to the Antipode” from the November 2022 issue of Latitude 38 Sailing Magazine.
This week’s host, Ryan Foland, reads 2 articles from the November 2022 issue of Latitude 38 Sailing Magazine.
Hear Dr. Holly Williams’ tales from 2019-2020 Clipper Round the World Race and Drew Smith’s journey to the complete opposite side of the world. This episode covers everything from antipodes to Google Maps. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- What is the Clipper Round the World Race?
- Who is Sir Robin Knox-Johnston?
- What is an AQP?
- Where is an antipode?
- How do you find your antipode?
- When is Star Wars day?
- How do you dodge a hurricane?
- What does Mount Everest have to do with the Clipper Round the World Race?
Follow along and read the articles at https://www.latitude38.com/issues/november-2022/#58 and https://www.latitude38.com/issues/november-2022/#64.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast spots – follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re feeling the Good Jibes!
Check out the episode and show notes below for much more detail.
Show Notes
- Around the World in 29 Months and Voyage to the Antipode (Latitude 38 Verbatim)
- [0:22] Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
- [0:27] Ryan Foland
- [0:50] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [1:00] Follow along and read the articles at https://www.latitude38.com/issues/november-2022/#58 and https://www.latitude38.com/issues/november-2022/#64
- “Clipper Race – Around the World in 29 Months” by Heather Breaux
- [2:40] Follow along and read the article at https://www.latitude38.com/issues/november-2022/#58
- [3:00] Dr. Holly Williams
- [3:29] COVID-19
- [3:42] 2019-2020 Clipper Round the World Race
- [10:48] Sir Robin Knox-Johnston
- [12:17] Mount Everest
- [12:34] AQP (Additional Qualified Person)
- [15:36] Panama Canal
- [20:34] Did you know every month you can get your copy of Latitude 38 delivered directly to your mailbox? Subscribe at Latitude38.com/Subscriptions
- “Far Side of the World – Voyage to the Antipode” by Drew Smith
- [21:26] Follow along and read the article at https://www.latitude38.com/issues/november-2022/#64
- [21:46] Drew Smith
- [22:56] Antipode
- [23:46] Bucket List
- [24:22] Perth, Australia
- [28:28] Hurricane Douglas
- [31:07] Star Wars Day
- [35:58] Check out FarOtherSide.com to find your antipode
- [36:52] Check out FarOtherSide on YouTube
- [37:03] Sign up for the Latitude 38 Crew List and get on the water with some new friends
- [37:29] Check out the Latitude 38 Bookstore here for books recommended by Good Jibes guests
- [37:42] Follow along and read the articles at https://www.latitude38.com/issues/november-2022/#58 and https://www.latitude38.com/issues/november-2022/#64
- [38:12] Make sure to follow Good Jibes with Latitude 38 on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
- [38:21] Got a great sailing story to submit? Do so at [email protected]
- [38:42] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [38:45] Email [email protected] to advertise on this podcast or in Latitude 38 sailing magazine
- [38:52] Check out the November 2022 issue of Latitude 38
- Theme Song: Pineapple Dream by SOLXIS
Thanks for listening to Ryan Foland on Good Jibes with Latitude 38. Subscribe here to receive Latitude 38 to your home each month.