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Episode #33: Beau Vrolyk on Sailing Mayan with People of All Ages and Skill Sets

Welcome back to Latitude 38’s podcast, Good Jibes! In this podcast, we’re bringing you the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast Sailor. Each week, you’ll hear stories and tips from the West Coast sailing community on cruising, racing and just plain sailing. Cast off, laugh and learn, and become a better sailor. Hosted by John Arndt, Nicki Bennett, Ryan Foland, and the team at Latitude 38 – the sailing magazine for West Coast sailors since 1977!

This week’s host, Moe Roddy, is joined by Beau Vrolyk to chat his top sailing lessons and experiences aboard his legendary schooner, Mayan. Beau is a member of the Cruising Club of America and is the 2022 Vice Commodore of St. Francis Yacht Club. Mayan is a John Alden schooner built in Belize in 1947 and was owned by David Crosby from 1969-2014.

Hear how to invite new people onto your boat, inspire sailors to be lifelong sailors, modifications to Mayan, how close to sail to shore, and the true goal when racing.


This episode covers everything from famous boats to helpful modifications. Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:

  • Where did Beau grow up?
  • What was the first boat he sailed on?
  • How was his cruise to Panama?
  • What’s a story that shaped him about sailing?
  • How old were his children for their earliest cruise?
  • Does he prefer racing or cruising?
  • What was it like sailing with Sally Honey?
  • Short Tacks: Who’s inspired Beau the most in life?

Learn more about Beau here:

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast spots – follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re feeling the Good Jibes!

Check out the episode and show notes below for much more detail.

Show Notes

  • Beau Vrolyk on Sailing Mayan with People of All Ages and Skill Sets
    • [0:03] Boat Shows are officially back in the Bay Area. Come down to Svendsen’s in Alameda on April 9th from 9am-5pm for once a year deals from your favorite vendors. Stick around for a DJ, food truck, and a ton of raffle prizes. Get to know your favorite names in the industry and have a great day doing it. Entry and parking are free! Get all the info at We hope to see you there!
    • [1:10] Moe Roddy
    • [1:14] Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
    • [1:29] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at
    • [1:46] Learn more about Beau here:
    • [2:44] Where did Beau grow up?
    • [3:18] Los Angeles Yacht Club
    • [3:29] What was the first boat Beau sailed on?
    • [4:10] Santa Cruz Yacht Club, St. Francis Yacht Club
    • [5:25] How was Beau’s cruise to Panama?
    • [5:57] Panama Canal
    • [8:04] Who was the crew for the Panama cruise?
    • [9:27] How old were Beau’s children for their earliest cruise?
    • [10:24] Tonga
    • [10:50] Disneyland
    • [11:28] How would you like it if we sent Latitude 38 to your home each month? Subscribe to Latitude 38 at
    • [12:04] What’s a story that shaped Beau about sailing?
    • [14:25] Bill Lee
    • [17:52] Jim Wallace
    • [24:30] John Alden
    • [28:40] Does Beau prefer racing or cruising?
    • [32:06] What was it like sailing with Sally Honey?
    • [34:50] Boat Shows are officially back in the Bay Area. Come down to Svendsen’s in Alameda on April 9th from 9am-5pm for once a year deals from your favorite vendors. Stick around for a DJ, food truck, and a ton of raffle prizes. Get to know your favorite names in the industry and have a great day doing it. Entry and parking are free! Get all the info at We hope to see you there!
    • Short Tacks
    • [35:45] Hornblower by C. S. Forester
    • [36:10] John le Carré Spy Novels 
    • [36:35] What was Beau’s favorite sailing trip?
    • [36:54] Who would he have coffee with?
    • [37:25] What’s his top sailing & career lesson?
    • [38:07] Who’s inspired him the most in life?
    • [38:47] What’s one question he wishes Moe asked?
    • [41:12] How do you make your boat more inclusive?
    • [43:02] Chip Merlin
    • [44:20] Stan Honey
    • [44:54] What final thoughts does Beau have?
    • [46:58] Learn more about Beau here:
    • [47:25] Make sure to follow Good Jibes with Latitude 38 on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
    • [47:28] Got a great sailing story to submit? Do so at [email protected]
    • [47:31] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at
    • [47:36] Check out the March 2022 issue of Latitude 38
    • Theme Song: Pineapple Dream by SOLXIS


Thanks for listening to Beau Vrolyk & Moe Roddy on Good Jibes with Latitude 38. Subscribe here to receive Latitude 38 to your home each month. 

This episode of Good Jibes is sponsored by Svendsen’s Bay Maritime.

Boat Shows are officially back in the Bay Area. Come down to Svendsen’s in Alameda on April 9th from 9am-5pm for once a year deals from your favorite vendors. Stick around for a DJ, food truck, and a ton of raffle prizes. Get to know your favorite names in the industry and have a great day doing it. Entry and parking are free! Get all the info at We hope to see you there!

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