Episode #23: Dustin Reynolds on Learning to Sail Around the World
Welcome back to Latitude 38’s podcast, Good Jibes! In this podcast, we’re bringing you the world of sailing through the eyes of the West Coast Sailor. Each week, you’ll hear stories and tips from the West Coast sailing community on cruising, racing and just plain sailing. Cast off, laugh and learn, and become a better sailor. Hosted by John Arndt, Nicki Bennett, Ryan Foland, and the team at Latitude 38 – the sailing magazine for West Coast sailors since 1977!
This week’s host, John Arndt, is joined by Dustin Reynolds to chat how to keep going and going on the water, no matter what life throws at you.
Dustin is the first double amputee to sail around the world singlehanded, a record he set with a 7.5 year circumnavigation from Hawaii. He almost lost his life in 2008 when he was hit on his motorcycle by a drunk driver, and sailing became a huge part of his story in recovery. Hear the best part of sailing alone on an ocean, how to keep going through rough waters, his favorite islands he discovered, the perks you can only realize through sailing, and the time he lost his prosthetic overboard.
This episode covers everything from Vanuatu to Hawaii.
Here’s a small sample of what you will hear in this episode:
- What hobbies did Dustin have prior to sailing?
- How did he decide to sail around the world?
- What’s the best part of sailing alone on an ocean?
- At what point did sailing become a pleasure?
- Where else did Dustin’s voyage take him?
- How were the people he met along his journey?
- What places would he want to sail back to?
- Short Tacks: What’s his biggest fear on the water?
Learn more at https://www.latitude38.com/lectronic/dustin-reynolds/.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and your other favorite podcast spots – follow and leave a 5-star review if you’re feeling the Good Jibes!
Check out the episode and show notes below for much more detail.
Show Notes
- Dustin Reynolds on Learning to Sail Around the World
- [0:23] Welcome to Good Jibes with Latitude 38
- [0:31] John Arndt
- [0:46] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [0:56] Learn more at https://www.latitude38.com/lectronic/2021/12/29/#dustin-reynolds
- [2:23] What is a story that shaped Dustin about sailing?
- [3:22] Fiji, Tonga
- [5:01] Samoa
- [5:52] What hobbies did Dustin have prior to sailing?
- [6:21] Commercial Diving
- [6:46] Galápagos Islands
- [7:39] What made sailing seem approachable and reasonable?
- [8:09] IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
- [8:38] Blue Cross Blue Shield, Bankruptcy
- [10:43] How did Dustin decide to sail around the world?
- [11:05] Bali
- [12:14] Crowdfunding
- [12:32] Laura Dekker
- [13:07] What boat is Dustin aboard?
- [13:37] Did he find that boat in Thailand?
- [14:07] What’s the best part of sailing alone on an ocean?
- [14:49] Moby-Dick by Herman Melville
- [15:11] What’s the most challenging part of sailing as a double amputee?
- [16:47] Colombia
- [17:32] At what point did sailing become a pleasure?
- [18:08] Captain’s License
- [20:28] Where else did Dustin’s voyage take him?
- [21:52] How much diving did he do?
- [23:20] Thank you for listening to Good Jibes with Latitude 38! Tell a fellow sailor friend about the podcast
- [24:33] How would you like it if we sent Latitude 38 to your home each month? Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com/Subscriptions
- Community
- [24:56] How were the people Dustin met along his journey?
- [25:51] Circumnavigation
- [27:16] How did the pandemic affect Dustin’s circumnavigation?
- [28:07] U.S. Virgin Islands
- [28:33] Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- [29:24] Bristol Marine
- [30:54] What places would Dustin want to sail back to?
- [31:17] Vanuatu
- [32:19] Avengers
- [32:40] How did language go in a place like that?
- [33:12] Madagascar
- [33:39] Technology (Tech)
- [36:15] Email [email protected] to advertise on this podcast or in Latitude 38 sailing magazine
- Short Tacks
- [36:21] What is Dustin’s dream boat?
- [36:58] Why would he want to do the Northwest Passage?
- [37:42] Would he do more solo sailing?
- [38:08] What’s the longest solo voyage he’s been on?
- [38:55] What would he tell people who are hesitant to go sailing?
- [40:06] What does he want to do next?
- [42:01] Pacific Garbage Patch
- [43:05] What’s Dustin’s biggest fear on the water?
- [43:38] Ice Alarm
- [44:28] What’s Dustin’s favorite sailing book?
- [44:47] Endurance: Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage by Alfred Lansing
- [45:02] The White Rajahs of Sarawak by Robert Payner
- [45:38] A Voyage for Madmen by Peter Nichols
- [45:48] Sailing Alone Around the World by Joshua Slocum
- [46:37] Connect with Dustin on TheSinglehandedSailor.com
- [47:38] Learn more at https://www.latitude38.com/lectronic/2021/12/29/#dustin-reynolds
- [48:00] Make sure to follow Good Jibes with Latitude 38 on your favorite podcast spot and leave us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts
- [48:16] Got a great sailing story to submit? Do so at [email protected]
- [48:27] Subscribe to Latitude 38 at Latitude38.com
- [48:29] Check out the January 2022 issue of Latitude 38
- Theme Song: Pineapple Dream by SOLXIS
Thanks for listening to Dustin Reynolds & John Arndt on Good Jibes with Latitude 38. Subscribe here to receive Latitude 38 to your home each month.