Opening the 2024 Sailing Calendar: Take a Peek at What’s Inside
Why do we call it a sailing calendar instead of a racing calendar? There are two reasons. One, because it includes more than just racing, and two, many sailors find the idea of racing intimidating so they might not pick it up. We wish that weren’t so. Racing is a great way to get on the water more often, improve your sailing skills, bond with your sailing friends, and make new ones. As regular Friday Night beer can racers we’re often struck by the magnificent beauty of a Friday evening sail and the fact that the racers are often the only boats on the Bay.

The calendar page for the month of January shows a wide variety of events all over the Bay. Many think there’s not much sailing or racing this time of year, but the Bay’s largest event of the year, the Three Bridge Fiasco, is always held the last weekend of January. The single- or doublehanded event is one of the most fun, interesting and challenging events you can do each year.
This past weekend featured a wet Saturday and a gorgeous Sunday. Many of the boats out were the boats that had signed up for midwinter racing.

There are also lots of events in the calendar that are not racing, like Opening Day, Svendsen’s Spring Fling, Pacific Sail and Power Boat Show, Summer Sailstice, the MMBA Boat Show, and much more.
The month of April, for example, shows many race events, but it also highlights Earth Day on April 22, Opening Day on the Bay, which always includes sail parades, and a Blessing of the Fleet in Raccoon Strait. And, just for kicks, we have Take a Fool Sailing Day on April 1. As you can see, there really is something for everyone!

We can tell you what’s in it — sunrise and sunset times, NOAA’s current predictions at the Golden Gate, racing rules and race signal flags, mark locations, information and dates about women’s regattas, youth sailing, and a lot of other useful information.
Don’t have your copy yet? Pick one up at your nearest Latitude 38 distributor. If they’re all out, you can also view the calendar online at 2024 Northern California Sailing Calendar.
See you on the water!
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