Navy Boarding in Barra de Navidad
Lou Freeman of the San Diego-based Swan 51 Seabird reports a surprsingly delightful late-night ‘boarding’ last night by the Mexican Navy at the docks of Grand Bay Marina in Barra de Navidad. "My wife Marge and I, joined by Wytie and Sally Cable of the IP-420 Reality Check, returned to our dock after a late dinner to find three unlikely Mexican Navy boats tied up and the crews over-running the dock. They were coming from Acapulco and headed for Banderas Bay, but stopped here for a six-hour rest while their big gray escort ship waited out in the bay.
"The boats were very impressive racers owned by the Mexican Navy and crewed by active duty officers and enlisted men. Their mission: MEXORC 2010. Cmdr. Carlos Acona was in charge of the group who, in spite of the fact that some of us drank and chatted until 2 a.m., were back underway for Banderas Bay at 5 a.m. I watched with awe as they woke up and departed in less than seven minutes.
"These young men were friendly and fun-loving but quite professional, and very knowledgeable about politics and the world. Mexico and the Mexican Navy can be very proud of these young men and I certainly can relax even more as I sail in Mexican waters."
Racing Editor Rob Grant will be heading to P.V. this week to cover MEXORC — you’ll find his reports in future editions of ‘Lectronic Latitude and in the April issue of Latitude 38.