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Most Creative Boat Ad Award

Over the years we’ve seen a lot of creative approaches to obtaining sailboats. In addition to simply plunking down cash on the barrelhead to buy a boat, we’ve seen offers to trade land, houses, cars, and a range of services including massages and financial counseling. But an add posted on Craig’s List yesterday was in a category all its own:

"I’m looking for a sailboat that’s ready to sail! . . . I would like to offer marijuana in partial or full trade. So, naturally, this offer is only valid for those who are legal Prop 215 medical marijuana patients."

As you can see, we’re not making this up.

© Craig’s List

Ahh. . . Is it just us, or is this offer stretching the spirit of the law just a wee bit. Then again, when you think about it, perhaps this person is on to something. Depending on your ailment, getting out sailing on a regular basis is probably a whole lot more therapeutic than sitting back in an easy chair toking on a spliff!


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The Central American cruising community was shaken this week at the news that longtime cruiser Cliff Vaughs was robbed by a group of thugs off the Caribbean coast of Honduras.