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More than 2,400 Miles in the Med

Stockton’s Ni Orsi and his crew sailed more than 6,000 miles to reach this anchorage at Corsica that has a strong resemblance to The Baths in the British Virgin Islands.

© 2007 Ni Orsi

"Since we arrived in Santa Margherita, Ligure, Italy, on May 26 from Aracaju, Brazil, having sailed 5,900 miles in our new Dolphin 460 Finalamente, we’ve added another 2,440 miles this summer in Italian and French waters," reports ‘Ni’ Orsi, a member of the Stockton Sailing Club.

"My wife Krissy and I have now visited most of Corsica, both the east and west sides and the north side of Elba, and there’s still much more to come. We’ve been to many great places, and found lots of great little bays to anchor in that have sand beaches. We then sailed from Santa Margherita to St. Tropez, France and back. Then we were off again to Corsica, before ending up at the Cannes Boat Show, where our Finalmente was the first Dolphin 460 to be shown to the European market. She was a hit! After the show, we headed back to our base at Santa Margherita — but not for long. Two weeks ago we sailed south down the Italian coast once again, but this time to put Finalmente away for the winter in La Spezia. However, before doing that, we sailed around the Portovenere area, and found several very good anchorages with excellent restaurants.  Now that the boat is ready for the winter, we are heading back to Stockton to visit friends that we have missed.  We will return to the boat on February 23, with the intention to sail south to revist Elba and Corsica, and then continue on down to Sardinia, Capri and Sicily."

Spectacular and romantic Portovenere, Italy, is where Finalamente has been put up for the winter. When Belvedere’s Tom Perkin’s threw a party to celebrate the launch of his 289-ft Maltese Falcon, she was anchored right off this fortress.

© 2007 Ni Orsi

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