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In order to teach the onlooking Ha-Ha kids that love is preferable to violence, one of the Here To Eternity couples enters the contest arena.latitude/Richard
As we reported on Monday, Chris Perkins’ J/105 Good Timin’ was stolen from its slip at San Francisco Marina sometime over the weekend.
Just when you thought it was safe to buy your ticket to Valencia, negotiations between America’s Cup Defender Société Nautique de Genève (SNG)/Alinghi and GGYC’s BMW Oracle have come to a screeching halt.
The crew of Profligate fueled up at Marina Cabo San Lucas last Saturday and would like to report the following prices:
Diesel was 6.63 pesos a litre or 25.11 pesos a gallon
Gasoline was 7.85 pesos a litre or 29.71 a pesos a gallon
The exhange rate between the peso and the dollar is about 10.5 to 1, which means that diesel was a little less than $2.50 U.S.
It hasn’t mattered which coast Samba has raced on, she’s come out on top.
In a move which falls under the heading of "unclear on the concept" the outer (red and green) channel markers at the La Paz harbor entrance were moved west recently, apparently due to operations near the Pemex fuel facitlity.
Well-known J/105 Good Timin’ was stolen this weekend.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC We’ve heard many stories of boats being stolen, but to take one of the top racing boats of the Bay creates some seriously bad karma for the thief.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC We’ve heard many stories of boats being stolen, but to take one of the top racing boats of the Bay creates some seriously bad karma for the thief.
Thanks for the memories – the Ha-Ha fleet group hug in Cabo.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC The 14th annual Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas officially ended Sunday evening with the big awards party.
©2007 Latitude 38 Media, LLC The 14th annual Baja Ha-Ha Cruisers Rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas officially ended Sunday evening with the big awards party.
Someone braved the oil yesterday: Del Olsen took his new International Canoe on her maiden voyage near the Richmond YC yesterday.
As the enormous Baja Ha-Ha disperses for points north, east and south, the primary means of keeping in touch with newly made friends is via cruiser nets.
Among the many huge yachts taking up dockspace in Cabo San Lucas was Ernesto Bertarelli’s 155-ft Feadship motoryacht Vava.
Just a quick reminder that the YRA’s Year-End Trophy party is tomorrow night at 7 p.m.
When the supercargo is away, the crew will play. We can’t be sure, but it’s believed that Dave Cort, (third from left), Commodore of the Los Angeles YC, was behind the dance party that broke out on Profligate the afternoon spent in Bahia Santa Maria.
Moving forward as if there was no lawsuit pending, America’s Cup Management announced yesterday that the 33rd America’s Cup will start July 18, 2009 in Valencia, Spain.
Glenn Tieman on his bitching 38-ft cat Manu Rere.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC It was our pleasure to cross paths with Glenn Tieman of the homebuilt 38-ft cat Manu Rere while in Turtle Bay.
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC It was our pleasure to cross paths with Glenn Tieman of the homebuilt 38-ft cat Manu Rere while in Turtle Bay.
The Grand Poobah sent in the following succinct report: "At the start of Leg 3, with 160+ boats and more than 600 people, having too much fun to write.
While Johnny Depp is charming as Captain Jack Sparrow, he may be having a bad influence on Florida’s thieves.
We knew sailors were an opinionated bunch but you guys really had some things to say regarding Monday’s report that Homeland Security wants to initiate bomb searches on rec boats:
"This administration is doing everything it can to create a police state, using the pretext of protecting us from terrorism.
In an effort to step up national security, Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff announced plans last month for a new anti-terrorism initiative that would screen and inspect small recreational boats for bombs.
As Farr as the eye can see – Wicked and Racer X struggle to make wakes during yesterday’s SYC Midwinters.
In the August 10 edition of ‘Lectronic we wondered about the origins of a ‘Mystery Boat’ washed up on an outer island of the Marshalls.
Five years ago, young Michael Radziejowski was bitten by the sailing bug in a big way.
It was pre-Ha-Ha when Capricorn Cat passed down the California Coast, under a fiery cloud caused by the many fires burning ashore.
It’s official – the AC90 Rule has been published and the future looks bright for the 33rd America’s Cup.
Robin Aitken Hardy of the San Pedro-based trawler The Cat’s Meow sent us this report of a boat fire in Marina Palmira on October 20:
"The 80+-ft Mexico-flagged yacht Mi Barú was tied up to the end tie of Dock Two when a fire broke out around 9 a.m.
Ken Royal christens the new fireboat Tiburon with pride. Royal has been an integral part of the creation of this high-powered jet catamaran.
In the September 21 edition of ‘Lectronic, we put out a call for volunteer bottoms to join in a study sponsored by Janssen Pharmaceutica to test new ‘green’ bottom paint in the Bay Area.
After you wake up from your sugar coma tomorrow, be sure to hit your local chandlery, yacht club or marina and pick up the November issue of Latitude 38.
We received reports this week from two intrepid singlehanding circumnavigators: Jeanne Socrates aboard her Najad 36 Nereida and Mike Harker on his Hunter 49 Wanderlust III.
To find out how many Richmond police it takes to shoo a wayward pinniped back to the water.
Flintstones, meet the Flintstones, the modern sailing
family . . . latitude/JR
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Roughly 600 sailors gathered in San Diego for the annual Baja Ha-Ha Costume Kickoff Party which, by any measure, was a smash hit.
family . . . latitude/JR
© Latitude 38 Media, LLC Roughly 600 sailors gathered in San Diego for the annual Baja Ha-Ha Costume Kickoff Party which, by any measure, was a smash hit.
Four crew aboard the Chicago-based J/35 Jason were on their way to the boatyard on last Wednesday to haul out for the winter when crewmember 38-year-old Alexander Childers fell overboard.
Even though the winds were less than thrilling this weekend, racers in the Great Pumpkin report a fantastic time.
With just one race left, a queen of Latitude 38’s unofficial women’s circuit will be crowned soon.
If you’ve been having trouble submitting a Classy Classified ad via our website in the last couple days, you’re not alone.
It can be an upside down world if you don’t supervise work on your boat.
The two crew aboard the 38-ft sailboat Passing Wind II were rescued by the Coast Guard yesterday after they were dismasted about 40 miles off Pt.
From the Grand Poobah himself, here is some important info relating to the Ha-Ha:
1) Offshore flow is returning to SoCal and the air quality is much better.
Brian Thompson’s Pindar 60 was dismasted in mild conditions last night on its way to La Havre, France, for the start of the doublehanded Transat Jacques Vabré.
If you’re heading south to the sunny latitudes of Mexico and are new to the cruising life you may not be aware of the cruiser nets that keep sailors updated on weather, local events and other topical news.
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