Racer Perishes in Monterey Sunset Series
On Wednesday night shortly before 11 p.m., Sharron Frey, commodore of the Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club, sent out the following message via email: “Tonight, during the Wednesday evening race, on his Moore 24, Morpheus, Rick Srigley and crew encountered heavy weather. Rick was washed overboard off the transom. His crew attempted to recover him while calling the Coast Guard. They brought him to the boat, but were unable to get him out, at which time the Coast Guard took charge, and took Rick by ambulance to the hospital.
“We are so very sorry to tell you that Rick Srigley has passed away. His wife, Sandie, is with him now at the hospital. We are contacting family members. His crew is also at the hospital with us. We will share information as it becomes available. Please hold Rick, Sandie, their children, and Rick’s crew in your hearts and prayers.”

Rick was a 77-year-old resident of Pebble Beach who regularly sailed his Moore 24 in MPYC’s weekly Sunset Series. The race on March 13 was the first of the 2019 season. A contact at MPYC who wished to remain anonymous told us: “I heard it was pretty windy and rough. I am certain he was wearing a PFD, as they are required by MPYC for racing. He also usually wore a helmet because he had been hit in the head with the boom (in the past). Morpheus does not have lifelines. I do not believe they were flying a spinnaker — only white sails were visible on TV. This story was on our local news at 11 p.m., on KSBW.”
The Coast Guard, California State Parks and the Monterey Fire Department all responded, and Rick was transported to the Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula. Our sincerest condolences to Rick’s family, friends, crew and fellow fleet members.
just recently I was sailing my boat to LA from Portland and in 40-50knt winds gusting above 60knts in confused seas off the coast of Oregon. I found myself saving the life of a dear friend for 6 hrs before an airovac off the boat after he was slammed in the head by a freak jibe caused by a large qrtr wave hit …boat swung instantaneously bout 30 degrees with no time to react and my friend in exactly the wrong position at the mast executing another reef…
all I have to say to Ricks crew is whatever you do don’t stop sailing because of this … although I don’t know Rick I can definitely say he won’t let you stop sailing … in fact the sooner you get back on the water the sooner his spirit will feel at ease and head to his new unknowns guys… I know.. though I saved the life of my friend , he will never be the same and getting back on board was the magic fix it potion I needed to get through this… get back on that boat and sail your hearts out guys … that is the cure all for this
Thank you. His wife allowed us to sail in the next week’s memorial regatta. The crew is still recovering, but we know, we are certain, that Rick would want us to continue to pursue our sailing passion. Fair Winds.