Medical & Nutrition Seminar
The Singlehanded TransPac prep seminar series continues on Wednesday at Oakland YC with a Medical & Provisioning seminar. Dr. Mike Weaver will start the presentation by going over the contents of a well-outfitted medical kit, and some first aid tips for singlehanders. "Some very common first aid advice doesn’t really apply when you’re alone, so Dr. Mike will offer some alternatives," notes Race Chair Rob Tryon.
Immediately following Dr. Mike, yours truly will provide nutrition information and tips on provisioning to win. After spending thousands on the latest, greatest and lightest gear to improve their performance, many racers fail to adequately take care of the most important piece of equipment on their boat: themselves. As much as they might think differently, anyone who singlehands to Hawaii is an athlete, and should know just what foods will help improve their endurance and performance.

The seminar will start around 7:30 p.m., immediately following the Corinthian Race Awards meeting, which will start early — around 6:30 p.m. — to accommodate both events. As usual, the event is free and open to the public — Pacific Cup racers are especially welcome — and, in addition to the no-host bar, rumor has it there will be samples during the provisioning talk.