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Looking for How-To Stories

Have you ever impressed yourself by installing, removing or repairing something on your boat that you thought was impossible to do on your own? Did you tackle a project that you really didn’t think you could manage — a project that you were going to pay a professional to do, before you asked for advice on the dock, watched a YouTube video, and decided to take a shot?

"Hey, how do you replace a transom?" The gentleman on the left might have asked the gentleman up high, on the right at Berkeley Marine Center. We’d like to know, too.

©2017Latitude 38 Media, LLC

A common request we hear from our readers is  to feature more ‘Do It Yourself’, ‘How-To’, and ‘Idiot’s Guide’ projects. So we thought we’d start by asking all of you the question: What have you done yourself? And what can you explain to the rest of us boat owners (who don’t exactly have naval architecture or mechanical engineering degrees)?

Unlike our annual spring boatyard tour story, where we feature several boat owners shaking off the cobwebs after a long California winter, we are looking for very specific projects. Have you installed AIS or other electronics? Have you repaired your own diesel engine? Have you modified your rigging?

To all the how-to-ers out there, we’d like to hear from you.



  1. Dave Bennett 2 years ago

    I am looking for naval architect advice on repairing a cracked keel with a crack that runs all the way around the keel at the hull.
    I also have a bent rudder from the boat being dragged off the beach.
    Two boatyards have suggested the cost of the repair is too great compared to the value of the boat.
    My wife and I really like this boat and we would like to save it if I can do the work myself. I once was a machinist so I understand tools and fiberglass but I’m far from being a boatyard pro.
    Do you have any advice or suggestions?

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There a certain white and red J/35 that you’ve probably seen at almost every Bay Area race. Jarlen has
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