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Looking for a Free Berth West Across the Atlantic?

"Know anyone who might want to join me on a ‘free’ crossing of the Atlantic?" writes Rory Kremer. "I’ll be taking the Gulfstar 63 Stargazer across. Launched in 1984, Stargazer is sloop-rigged, but has mainly been used as an engine-driven vacation boat for the last 10 years. Prior to that, she was used to run drugs from South America to European Union countries.

"I just soloed Stargazer from Toulon, France, to Menorca, Spain," continues Kremer. "We did 400 miles in 44 hours, so she’s pretty fast for her size. From here we’re heading to Gibraltar, the Canary Islands, and across the pond to St. Martin, Trinidad, Panama, Costa Rica, and through Mexico to Ensenada.

"Leaving Spain soon, so interested parties need to contact me ASAP here or here."

Latitude posts Kremer’s crew-wanted announcement for information purposes only. We do not vouch for either him or Stargazer. If interested, do your own vetting, as it’s your life. Find many additional crewing opportunities at Latitude 38‘s constantly updated Crew List on the Latitude website.


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