Learning the Multihull Ropes
Sailors, like everyone, are resistant to change. When it was announced that the America’s Cup would be sailed in multihulls, monohull lovers the world over voiced their outrage. But after seeing these fantastic machines do things that once only seemed possible in science fiction, many Luddites are changing their minds and becoming interested in sailing in their own multihulls.
If you’d like to learn more about multis, pop on over to Oakland YC tonight for a talk by North Sail’s Seadon Wijsen and frequent Latitude contributor Dave Wilhite. "Our talk will focus on four areas of multihull sailing," says Wilhite. "Boat set-up, sail usage, race approach, and the importance of physical conditioning." The presentation, which starts at 7:30 p.m. and scheduled to run about 40 minutes, is free and open to the public. A Q&A session will follow. Click here for directions.