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Latitude is on Santa’s Nice List

It’s possible we had reason to believe we’d be put on Santa’s ‘Naughty List’ this year but, to our collective relief, he turned a blind eye after having such a festive time on this year’s Baja Ha-Ha. Seems Santa likes to get a little R&R in the sun before his busy season kicks in, and the Ha-Ha provided the perfect opportunity to blow off a little steam, or so says the poster on the right. The poster on the left adds, “Your magazine keeps me warm on those long, cold nights at the North Pole!” (Who knew Santa likes to hang out on the west shore of Lake Tahoe?)

Phwew! We made Santa’s ‘Nice List’!
© 2012 Latitude 38 Media LLC / LaDonna

So it appears that, unless we screw up in a big way, we’re getting everything on our Christmas list. What about you? If you’ve been naughtier than usual, you can always buy yourself a gift — and Latitude swag makes great gifts! Be sure to order by this Thursday, December 13, for delivery in time for the big day.

Ho ho ho!


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