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KKMI to Take Over Anderson’s Location

The rumors have been floating around for a while. Now it’s official: the lease for Anderson’s Boatyard in Sausalito was not renewed, and this fall, Keefe-Kaplan Maritime, Inc. (KKMI) will take over the facilities there. This will be an additional ‘branch’ for KKMI, whose main yard in Richmond was founded by Paul Kaplan and Ken Keefe in the mid-’90s.

While the exchange has been portrayed in some local media as a rivalry, Kaplan says that’s far from the case. “In the past I’ve had many boats serviced by Anderson’s and they’ve always done a wonderful job. We hope to continue to serve the maritime community in the same friendly and efficient manner after the move.”

Obviously, there are a lot of ‘i’s to dot and ‘t’s to cross before fall. Look for the most up-to-date details in the April issue of Latitude 38.


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